History of Origin The Batak tribe in Indonesia from north sumatra.


Horas ma in hita ganup marsada-sada. Parjoloma, hami mandok mauliate tu god ta Debata, alanna boi hita pajumpang in the sadarion baggage. Suang songoni nang turi-turian nanaeng dipasahaton nami on, tong do alani ramotan ni Tuhan ta. Horas.

this is the language of batak area.

When we talk about Pomparan ni Sipitu Ama, certainly not separated from Ompu Tuan Situmorang is not. Has it ever occurred to our minds who is Ompu Tuan Situmorang, who is his father, who is his Ompung?

We're back to back for a moment. Ompu Tuan Situmorang has a father named Si Raja Lontung, and Ompungnya is Si Raja Batak. We can conclude that Ompu Tuan Situmorang is the third generation of Si Raja Batak who became the origin of the Batak people. Since we have previously discussed about Ompu Tuan Situmorang and Si Lontung, then this time we will explain about the Origin of Batak Tribe. Listen below here.

The origin of the Batak tribe is very difficult to trace due to the lack of historical heritage sites that tell about the Batak tribe, then by quoting from various sources including writing in various blogs as well as books that write about Batak, we try to serve it for the dear readers.

Brief History of the Origin of Batak Tribe
The Batak tribe is one of hundreds of tribes found in Indonesia. Batak tribe is in the region of North Sumatra. According to a legend believed by some Batak society, that Batak tribe originated from Pusuk Buhit area Sianjur Mula Mula west of Pangururan on the outskirts of Lake Toba.

If the version of Batak historians say that Batak and his entourage came from Thailand who crossed to Sumatra through Peninsular Malaysia and finally got to Sianjur Mula first and settled there.

While from the inscriptions found in Portibi in 1208 and read by Prof. Nilakantisari an Archaeologist Professor from Madras, India explains that in 1024 the Cola kingdom of India attacked Srivijaya and controlled the area of ​​Barus. The troops of the Cola kingdom are probably the Tamils ​​because they were found about 1500 Tamils ​​living in Barus at that time. Tamil is the name of one of the tribes in India.

Batak is estimated to live in the year 1200 (early 13th century)
The XII King of Sisingamangaraja is thought to be the offspring of the 19th-century Batak Race who died in 1907 and his son the King of Buntal is the 20th generation.

From the above findings can be concluded that most likely the ancestors of Batak Batak is an officer or warrior kingdom of Srivijaya based in Barus because in the 12th century that controls the entire archipelago is the kingdom of Sriwijaya in Palembang.

As a result of this Cole raid, it is estimated that the ancestors of Batak and his entourage were pushed to the Portibi area south of Lake Toba and from here the possibility of being named Batak began to hold the reins of the war leader, or perhaps the Batak King expanded its war territory to cover the area around the Lake Toba, Simalungun, Tanah Karo, Dairi to some parts of Aceh and moved his power center in Portibi area south of Lake Toba.

At the end of the 12th century around 1275 the kingdom of Majapahit attacked the kingdom of Sriwijaya to the area of ​​Pane, Haru, Padang Lawas and its surroundings are estimated to include the Batak kingdom.

The attack of the Majapahit kingdom is estimated to result in Batak and Rombonganya rombonganya pushed into the interior to the west of Pangururan on the shores of Lake Toba, the area named Sianjur Mula Mula at the foot of the hill called Pusuk Buhit, then inhabit the area with his entourage.

The destruction of Batak by the forces of the Majapahit kingdom is probably closely related to the collapse of the Sriwijaya kingdom in Palembang because as in the estimates above Batak Raja is the possibility of a warlord under the control of the kingdom of Srivijaya.

The title of King to Batak Raja is not because he is a King but is the title of his followers or his descendants as a tribute because there is no evidence that shows the existence of a kingdom called Batak empire.

Batak tribe is very respectful of his ancestors so almost all the ancestors of the Batak clans were given the title of King as a tribute, also the tombs of the ancestors of the Batak built in such a way by his offspring and made a monument that could cost billions of dollars. This monument is meant in addition to respect for the ancestors as well to remind the younger generation of their genealogies.

In the Batak ethnic community system there is what is called the Marga used for generations by following the male lineage. There are about 227 names of Marga in the Batak tribe.

In the book Tarombo Borbor Marsada it is said that Batak Raja has 3 (three) children:
KING ISOMBAON (siRaja Sumba)
These three children of Batak King are believed to continue the reign of Batak leader and the origin of the formation of clans in the Batak tribe.

Sub Tribe of Batak
There are several sub-tribes and hundreds of clans contained in the Batak tribe. Batak tribe itself has sub tribes, among others:

  1. Karo
  2. Mandailing
  3. Simalungun
  4. Toba
  5. Pakpak
  6. Angkola and
  7. Coastal Batak

Although still a controversy from some people from the tribe Sub Batak tribe above do not want to be called the Batak Tribe but sebahagian from Sub Tribe that there is agreed to call the tribe of Batak and also the government in the 2000 population census classified sub tribes above enter in one tribe that is Batak tribe.

More on the sub Batak Tribe above, we will discuss later.
well that's a little story about batak tribe in indonesia hopefully useful story from me this do not forget follow me if my story is useful us all.
follow me @ mackhel

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