Steemit Viewer for Android v1.1 - Hot, Trending, New & more

Steemit Viewer v1.1

What is Steemit Viewer?

Steemit Viewer is an app I developed because I didn't like how eSteem looked on my phone. It allows you to browse your current Steemit feed as you're on the website and with this update it allows you to browse Hot, Trending and New categories (along with the tags). For more information please refer to
this post on Steemit or GitHub repo.

As promised, delivering new version to you with even more improvements, including:

  • Hot
  • Trending
  • New
  • Ability to view hot/trending and new by tag!
  • Image caching - drastically improves app responsiveness and decreases network load

Installation Instructions:

  1. Navigate to current GitHub release
  2. Download app .apk
  3. Your system may block the app if you have untrusted sources disabled. You need to activate it for this installation (as the app is not from Play Store)
  4. Install the app


All contributions are welcome either via GitHub or I also need your feedback to improve the app where it lacks. Currently it's in beta state so expect some minor problems from time to time.

Next Version roadmap:

  • Search categories by any tag provided by user
  • List of trending tags
  • Ability to view users blog

Feature currently on-hold:

  • Push notifications (needs firebase account and more reading how can I achieve effect I want)

Current in-app screenshots


Source code

Available on GitHub, feel free to contribute. Will post instructions how to soon.

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