My daily dose of motivation #30 ( give, expecting nothing in return)

There are some people in this world who are privileged to have been born in wealthy families. It is the best thing that can happen to anyone. It means you don’t have to wait in line to receive medical attention when you are sick or you don’t have to attend class under a tree (yes,it happens in some parts of my country).hands-1926414_1280.jpg

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If you are lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth, then it means you stand a chance to have the best in life. But that does not mean, you own anyone, not even your gardener, maid or the gatekeeper. It does not also mean you get to look down on those who are not as privileged as you are.

Here is Why.

We all will go through every life process. Starting from birth to death, we all must go through. The last life process which is death, should be reason enough for we to not be cruel to one another. Death can set into a family anytime and that can cause a once powerful and wealthy family, a great lose. It is inevitable but those who do good with the little they have, fear not. baby-2416718_1280.jpg

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They, who are always willing to sacrifice their last bread will always have more. So, if you are rich and you don’t know how to give without expecting anything back or you hate the idea of lending a helping hand, know that nothing good or bad stays forever.
It does not always have to be about giving money, it can be just a smile or a hug or a compliment just to lighten up someone’s day. It can be the sharing of the steemit opportunity to someone you do not even know in a bus or a train station. There is this popular saying;

If you are lucky enough to have more , build a longer table and not a taller fence

We must learn to understand people and offer help in anyway we can because a little help you offer today can do a great deal of good for your grand-kids centuries to come. The world works in mysterious ways.

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