I Switched To Busy

. . . and so should YOU!

image source: @busy.org

Recently I've been interacting with the Steem blockchain through busy.org and I am beyond impressed to say the least. After being a Steemit.com user for over a year and not really seeing much change or improvement on the UI/UX side at all (thanks for the night mode though, amazing feature), it makes me wonder what their front end developers are up to.

But you know what? Who cares.

Busy is full of tiny little perks that make navigating the site a pleasure, it saves me trips to the blockchain and I can even leave some Steemit tools behind as most things you would need to look up on a regular basis are already implemented into the frontend. I'm not gonna go through the entire list of new features the Busy team added, but you can read about it in the Busy v2.4 Release, and I would like to point out a few things that I thought were neat.

  • Perhaps one of the most important features for me was getting notifications. I already forgot how convenient it is to receive a pop up notification about a comment or a mention, or a new follower in real time. And it isn't just convenience, I feel like getting notified helps you to interact with people more effectively too.

  • Another thing that I noticed was quite helpful is having the current Steem and SBD price feed in your wallet.

  • Busy tells you real time vote value and voting power for any user, how cool is that? I no longer need to consult the blockchain to check my stats, thanks Busy!

  • Next, ever wondered how much $$$ exactly a certain user gave to you? Or the amount of money you're willing to contribute? Just hover over the like button and the knowledge is all yours. Precise upvote data.

  • And lastly, the most important thing - all of it is absolutely free of charge which means Busy doesn't take a penny out of your author rewards for using their service. Now, how cool is that? It is almost hard to believe, but it is true. For the longest time, I thought that Busy.org took author beneficiary rewards, but after speaking to the developers, I learned that they do not! Kudos!

I guess I'm going to wrap this up now and hopefully there will be more of you checking Busy out for yourself, have fun!

And oh yeah, did I mention that they got a bunch of helpful people on their Discord Server? Yes, they do. Follow @busy.org to receive updates about this alternative front end that just so happens to kick Steemit's ass in every way :D.

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