Friends steemians, in today's post I will put points of view in relation to cooperation for learning with my friend Robert.

As I said before, this is not the first time we talk about the value of learning in its community form, that is, it is done among several. Why is that value given in such a learning mode? I think I once told you that it is because it develops the critical and creative capacity of all those who participate in it. In addition, I consider that each group, we can also call it if you wish it community or organization, has to adapt the learning to their own conditions and needs; so that with this dynamic that is its own, it serves as a point of reference to build its own knowledge.

In the community, as I always tell you, we learn from each other to teach to think, we learn to study, to do, to reflect. We learn, that you have seen, to develop proposals that integrate our intellectual, affective and volitional resources of those involved in this process, that is, we learn to educate each other.

As we have said, what is sought to be overcome in social or community learning is that sickly, fatuous individualism; the foolish competition that makes us believe that we are the best. We promote rather a creative individualism, capable of integrating in their interpersonal relationships. Perhaps, in this way, we can overcome the gap between learning processes, by making it more integrated between knowledge and society. And with society I mean that group with which we interact every day. Not an abstract idea of society.

I agree with you when you told me that community learning is a matter of ethics. Since it is based on methods of exchanges that seek a social construction of personality, since we are not isolated people. Also, you have said that in this learning, the shared use of information is encouraged, no one keeps a property that belongs to everyone.

The above, makes knowledge we perceive as a social good. On the other hand, together with knowledge, we include the value of our feelings and affections to learn; because they are part of our multiple intelligences.

I share with you, what you told me the other day, about the fact that we all have the right to learn; but I include that we also all have the duty to teach. We can not stay alone in the right and forget about our duties. Because as we always say, cooperative learning opens the opportunity to discover the value of working together, in teamwork. Remember the difference between team and group.

Cooperation in learning leads us to commit ourselves and take responsibility for personal and group learning. This seems important to me. Well, we can develop existential environments that favor solidarity, respect, tolerance; critical and creative thinking. We can include, if you wish, the development of decision making, autonomy and self-regulation of us as social beings. So we did our learning and we built our personality.

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