Hunger and charity in the current Venezuela

Hello steemians friends, when justice fails and hunger rages, charity becomes present as the opportune, savior, miraculous gesture. Charity has been a resource widely used in Venezuela by despotic, personalistic governments. A good example of this was the dictatorship exercised by the tyrant of the Mulera, Juan Vicente Gómez. The illiterate dictator learned very early the political efficacy of such a resource. He realized that it was possible to manipulate the needs of people, in particular of hungry people, that always lacked a crust to calm their appetite. He learned that such people are willing to prostrate themselves before the savior who comes to his aid. That savior becomes thus the redeemer, the protector, the indispensable, the necessary man.


Knowing all this, the Tyrant Benemerito organized the days of national holidays, succulent barbecues where men, women and children converted by their regime into real human waste, satiated the accumulated hunger of many months. Weak bodies were what they saw on such occasions, because that military regime was a true factory for the hungry. It was that the Venezuelan people of that time. Hunger was compounded by several calamities, such as malaria and other diseases, medical deficiencies, the unhealthiness of towns and cities, illiteracy, repression, the poverty of the country, the lack of schools and universities, unemployment. That battered population learned to see in Gómez his savior, his friend, his father, thanks to those generous gestures that he eventually threw on the mass of starving.

By force of grills with yucca, El Benemérito conquered the heart of the hungry. So much was the revenue obtained with this mechanism that at the time of his death thousands of people mourned his physical disappearance, and today many people go to his grave to revere him, request a miraculous favor, to ask him, like the Nazarene, to multiply the loaves .

Now it is Nicolás Maduro, the trade union president, who goes to the same humiliating file, to the same mean resource, after having squandered, along with Chávez, the greatest fortune entered into the national budget in the entire republican history of Venezuela. In the middle of a terrible famine suffered by the Venezuelans, thanks to the nefarious policies executed by this government of Maduro and other leaders of the PSUV, the Miraflores barbarian again resorts to charitable policies to try to deceive the millions of hungry Venezuelans who ask the four winds a bite of food.

Today, as in Gomecist times, hunger, malaria, repression and the lack of political freedoms are the hallmarks of the Venezuelan situation. And the union president is the new heartless neogomecist. Some realities suffered by the Venezuelans in the times of the tyrant of the Mulera are repeated now. The sufferings of the people are reproduced as a result of the mismanagement of Nicolás Maduro, the unipersonal concentration of political power is reproduced, military hegemony is reproduced in the government, police repression is reproduced on the dissatisfied population, and the use of charity as a government policy aimed at eventually alleviating the hunger of Venezuelans.

Now it is not the Gomecist grills but the decembrinos legs, the CLAP bags, the Bono Niño Jesús, the Bono Reyes Magos, the bond of the parturients. Simple palliatives to satisfy for brief moments the nutritional deficiencies of the millions of Venezuelans imploring a plate of lentils.

At this moment, according to the UN, there are 24 million people Venezuelans who are in the condition of poor, eighty percent of the inhabitants of our country. An immense mass of people lacking the minimum necessary to satisfy their appetite. Many of them are fed by picking up leftovers in the garbage dumps, asking for alms, consuming food for animals, ingesting only one meal a day. They include children, women, the elderly, young people, all turned into skeletal persons by the dismal policies defended and executed by the government of the barbarian who currently lives in Miraflores.

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