There dont really care about what your going through


Any body thats bold enough to correct you when ever your wrong its worthy to be called a friend, living in this world is easy the earlier you understand that no body i mean no one cares about you more than yourself.

most times you notice you try but its just isn't enough ,there will still think your evil but dont ever change or turn your ways because of what people say about you.

if you want to take a deep look into this world/life you will notice that IF YOU GIVE THEM A TASTE OF THEIR OWN MEDICINE,THERE WILL TELL EVERYONE YOU POISONED THEM. thats how crazy the life is,so dont live your life to impress others because nobody cares about you.

Nobody can buy a real friend the only way to get or keep a real friend is to gain his/her trust and try as much as possible never to lose it because true friendship is a lovely track...keep steeming.



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