For those reasons controversial Maulana Saad | Part - 01

Maulana Ilyas Shah (Raha) started the work of Tablig from Delhi's Nizamuddin Mosque to accelerate the work of religion and religion of Islam hundreds of years ago. Maulana Ilyas (Rah.) - His son Maulana Harun (Rah.). His son is Maulana Saad Kandhalvi.

At present, Nizamuddin Murkaj of the current Murbbi Saad has made objectionable remarks about the Qur'an, Hadith, Islam, Nabi-Rasool and Prophethood and Masala-Masayel.

He has been disputed by the world scholars including Deoband for his objectionable remarks. His controversial comments have been published in the form of a small book titled 'Saaad Saheb's original form', Jamaiya Madaniya Baridhara Muhaddis, Tabligh Jamiat's Top Mourbby and one of the five members who visited India to resolve the conflict, Maulana Ubaidullah Farooq

His speech is 'objectionable to Maulana Saad Sahib', anti-Qur'anic statements,

Refrain from voting

There is no Salat due to the color of the time of the vote (finger) that is fitted. So vote should not be given.

The wrong interpretation of the Qur'an

In different verses, he said, Mufassirin has made a comment from this verse, Olama has made a commentary, but I am tafsir. Listen to it. This is the right tafsir!

Opposition to Islam and Olamas

Keeping the camera safe is unlawful and there is no Salah in the pocket camera with mobile phone. The scholars said that the camera-keeping mobile is 'valid', they are 'Olemaye Chu'. Swearing by repeatedly, he said that they are 'Olimaya Chu'. Such scholars are assholes! Ass! Ass!
The Fasting Of Fasting
Reading and listening to Quran Sharif on mobile; Drinking urine from the urine! (Nawsubillah)

Madrasa mosque's pay is worse than earning prostitution

The Qur'an accepts Sharief, and their salary is worse than earning prostitution. The imam and the teacher who accept the salary, the prostitutes will go to Paradise before them!

Q. The efforts to stop the Qaumi madrasah

Do not pay Zakat to the madrasas. Zakat will not be paid if zakat in Madras.

Envy with the Awliaids

After the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) only 'three' of the three people got the fullness. And the rest of the others are imperfect. The three are - Shah Isma'il Shaheed, Maulana Muhammad Elias and Maulana Muhammad Yusuf.

Ignorance comment about Sunnat

Maulana Saad Saheb, in Ijtema of Azamgarh and in other Ijtema, has pronounced Sunnat as '3 Types' - Sunnah of Ibadat, Sunnah of Dawaat and the Sunnah of conduct.

Opposition to the work of the cleric

'The Path of Prophecy' is the path of Prophet, the path of 'Tasawwuf' is not the path of the Prophet.


Ajan is 'Tashkil' (plan-plan). Salat is 'Taragib' (motivation to implement the plan). And after the prayers, Allah's way out of the street was 'Taratib' (the original implementation of the plan).

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) delayed Ishaq prayers for the purpose of implementing the call of Allaah. That is, the importance of Dawah is more important than prayers.

Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) said that he had to stay in prison for more than 7 years because he looked at Ga'rullah as he said, 'Speak to your lord.'

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