UPTD Unggas di Aceh Besar (UPTD Poultry in Aceh Besar )

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Wakil Gubernur Aceh, Nova Iriansyah didampingi Asisten Bidang Perekonomian dan pembangunan Aceh, Taqwallah meninjau UPTD unggas yang dikelola Dinas Peternakan Aceh di Blang Bintang.

Nova Iriansyah sangat mengapresiasi Dinas Peternakan Aceh yang sudah merevitalisasi fasilitas UPTD unggas sehingga menjadi salah satu sumber Pendapatan Asli Aceh dan meningkatkan perekomian masyarakat.

“Yang paling penting harus ada dampak positif bagi masyarakat dan tentunya dapat mengurangi angka kemiskinan,” ujar Nova.


Deputy Governor of Aceh, Nova Iriansyah accompanied by Assistant for Economic Affairs and Aceh development, Taqwallah reviewed UPTD poultry managed by the Livestock Office of Aceh in Blang Bintang.

Nova Iriansyah deeply appreciates the Livestock Office of Aceh which has revitalized UPTD poultry facilities so that it becomes one of the source of Acehnese Original Income and improve the community's economy.
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"The most important thing there must be a positive impact for the community and certainly can reduce the poverty rate," said Nova.

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