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Some people tend to shy away from asking relevant questions about what they don’t know. To them, asking questions will make people to know that they don’t have knowledge about the subject matter, therefore, they will be regarded as someone who doesn’t have sense.

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This attitude of not been able to ask relevant questions at the right time has caused a lot of troubles to many people. The truth is that nobody is monopoly of wisdom; there must be something you don’t know that you should ask another person for direction.

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With the advance in technology, it is a bit easier to enquire for something you don’t know about. If someone is ashamed of asking people around, you can enquire through Google or YouTube channel. There are a lot of benefits for asking questions. Below are some of the benefits.

Asking questions will give someone the opportunity to acquire new knowledge. The moment you ask question about anything you don’t know, and you got an answer for that, you have succeeded in learning a new thing.

Asking questions helps you to avoid or minimize trial and error. If you’re a type of person that asks questions, it will be easier for you to achieve your goals without much trial and error.

Asking questions will help you reduce cost. When you ask questions, you will spend less money and time in achieving your set goals.

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The mind that is willing to learn is the mind that enquirers, and the minds that enquirers are the minds that acquires. Your ability to ask a simple questions like Why, how, when,who and where will give you the opportunity to seek for answers, and in seeking for the answers to those questions, mysteries will be unravel and new knowledge will be gained. We should be ready at all time to ask questions about what we don’t know irrespective of what people will feel or say about it.

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