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One of the challenging aspects in business and all human activities on earth is decision making. It is very hard for any human activities to take place without any form of decisions. The quality of decisions taken by any individual or organizations and how timely the decisions are taken, has a long way in determining the success or failure of such individual or organization.

Most organizations place a lot of emphasis on decision making. At any interval of any organizational activities one decision or the other is taking to ensure progress in the organization. Most organizations incorporate various forms of decision making models to ensure that the organization comes out with the best decision that will lead the organization to success.

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Indecision is the inability of someone or organizations to take decision on time. There are some individuals that have poor attitude towards decision making, and it makes them indecisive at all time. They hardly take decision on any issue on time.

The consequences of indecision are business failure, procrastination and poverty. Decision making works with time, and time means a lot in business. If one fail to take the right decision at the right time it might lead to collapse of well established business.

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Decision making is highly risky as it can either make or mar an individual or organization. Therefore we must ensure that before taking any decision, that the pros and cons of the matter are carefully examined and to ensure that we take the right decision to the best of our ability and the decision must be timely.

Those who are indecisive hardly make progress in live, therefore we must be ready to take risk in other to be successful in live, and we must make sure that the risk we are taking is a calculated risk. We must not be afraid of taking decision; we should not be afraid of failure as the fear of failure is the major reasons that made people to be indecisive. Always believe in yourself, also try and ask people who know better than you. Indecision leads to procrastination and procrastination is a destiny killer.

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