North Korea announced the unilateral release of nuclear program 30-9-18/10A38

(35.25) North Korea announced the unilateral release of nuclear program
একতরফাভাবে পরমাণু কর্মসূচি ত্যাগ না করার ঘোষণা উত্তর কোরিয়ার.jpg

North Korea has announced unilaterally abandoning nuclear program. In a speech to the 73rd Annual General Assembly meeting of the UN General Assembly, the country's Foreign Minister Rai Yong-Ho announced He said, while Washington will impose strong sanctions against North Korea, Pyongyang will not unilaterally abandon its nuclear weapons program.

He said the United States has deepened the distrust of Pyongyang towards himself by banning North Korea's sanctions.

The North Korean Foreign Minister said, "Because of deep distrust to America, we will not give any rebate on national security and we will not disarm ourselves before."

He also said that North Korea has shown a "substantial amount of goodwill" in recent times.

Ray Yong-Ho said Pyongyang has made positive steps to stop nuclear weapons and missile tests, close the nuclear arsenal and promise not to expand nuclear weapons and technology. But in return, North Korea did not see any counter action from the US.

The North Korean Foreign Minister then spoke against the US sanctions imposed on her country when Washington said more than once, the ban on the country will not be lifted until Pyongyang's nuclear weapons are fully destroyed.

On 12 June, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met in a historic meeting with US President Donald Trump in Singapore. There he pledged to make the Korean peninsula free from nuclear weapons. But instead, call the Americans to abstain from anti-Zionist behavior. Before his meeting, Kim used to say that his country has created nuclear weapons in order to resist possible US aggression. Source: Reuters, Purse Today.

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