17th November - Czech Banking Holiday and International Students'Day

Hello Steemers

17th November is a special day for the Czech people. First, we call it The Day of the Fight for Freedom, because on that day in 1989 the "Velvet revolution" against oppresive communist regime started, This fight without weapons was succesfull and former prisoner (for the politic reasons) Havel was elected as the president!
The 17thNovember we celebrate also International Student's Day. It has its roots in the CzechRepublic. In 1939 Czech university students were demonstrating against nazi German occupation. There was killed a student Opletal. At the date of his funeral there was mass demonstration again. After that German occupators closed Czech universities till the end of the World War II.

Nowadays we are demonstrating again. Our prime minister Andrej Babis was very successful businessman. His agricultural enterprise is based on drawing European Community grants and is investigated for the fraud. Since he is the prime minister he has a lot power to twarth the investigation. Our freedom and democracy is in danger again.

Have a nice day!

The memorial from Narodní (National) street in Prague, where students were beaten in 1989.

The largest Czech flag you can see in the National Museum in Prague.

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