For Our Learning

Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.


The scripture is the greatest book for learning. God carefully fashioned His word to edify us all through our years on earth. Looking at the various instances and experiences of people in the Bible, we can deduce that nothing happening now is actually new. The word of God teaches patience and the virtue of comfort in the midst of uncomfortable situations of life. Whenever we look into this perfect law of liberty, we find significant examples and solutions to our challenges.

Abraham is an example for patience on God for the fruits of the womb and comfort in the birth of a child. He's our role module for waiting on God no matter how long it seems. Lot's wife is an example for impatience and disobedience, thus helping us to stay away from punishments. Isaac is an example for prosperity in the midst of economic meltdown. He obeyed God and sowed in a barren land, but reaped hundredfold.
Time will fail me to mention Noah, Moses, Joshua, David, Jehoshaphat, among others whose life shows the wonders of God in the place of patience and comfort.
Don't be in a hast, wait on God and make His word your companion. There's something greater than what you can see now.

Let's pray together.
Lovely Father, thank you for your patience and comfort in our lives. We choose to wait on you, please make all things beautiful at it's time, in Jesus name. Amen.

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