He's Able

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Ephesians3:20


I came with a good news for you today: God is able! His ability is not limited to geographical location, present of possible ways or man's availability to assist. Jesus is able to break the barriers of life and give us the victory on every side. He's able to bring to pass the blessings and favour that defies human understanding. His ability is enough to bring total restoration of health, marriage, businesses, finances and spiritual balance. Are you on a cross road of life right now and wondering how the promises of God will still manifest? Have you run out of options that miracles should thrive from? Today is that day that your miracles was designed to be delivered. On the sea of Galilee, the disciples ran out of options as the boat began to sink and the storms was on the increase. But the King of all storms arose, rebuke it and there was great calm. By the power in the name of Jesus, I rebuke every storms in your life today, peace be still! His power is above what you can ask or think. Stop trying to figure out how, for God is able to do beyond what you can imagine.

His ability is manifested by His power in you. The power of God is working in you right now. His power is reshaping every area of your life for His glory. Don't cry anymore. Don't lament again, for He that is able is now with you. Go out today with this assurance. The Lord who is able and whose power works in you is with you as the Almighty one.

Let's pray together
Abba Father, thank you for your ability upon us. Today we cast away every fear and worries from our lives and we live, move and have our beings in your Divine ability, in Jesus name. Amen.

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