Discussion about business now

22 Januari 2019


Salam semua untuk teman-teman di disteemit, hal terindah untuk kita semua. Sebuah pertemuan khusus dengan teman lama saya. Dia sekarang sudah sukses du bidang kontraktor, yang kantornya di kota Banda Aceh. Sebuah pertemuan singkat tapi penuh gurauan canda.
Greetings all to friends in Disteemit, the most beautiful thing for all of us. A special meeting with my old friend. He is now a successful contractor, whose office is in the city of Banda Aceh. A brief but joking joke.


Seeing the development of the world is indeed very high, and we are committed that without science and special strategic life, we will continue to lag behind. Progress in technology is very sensitive if we lack knowledge, so we want to work together for a better future.
Thank you for all the support And hope we continue to support each other For our mutual progress,
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