Speak Your Truth

Liars, deceivers, and fraudsters . Their lurking around every corner, are they not? You the reader might even be one, chuckling under your breath because maybe you just successfully played someone for your own personal gain right?

Ever notice that liars, deceivers, and fraudsters tend to find themselves in positions of power? And even when their deception or lies have been exposed, people will still say "well he's a good guy", or "she was trying to do a good thing", bla bla bla...

Why do you think this is? I will say why I think it is. I believe it's a side effect. A side effect from cowardice, yes cowardice, from the general populous of the world. (wow that is harsh futuremind)

Speak your truth. SPEAK YOUR TRUTH.

I was recently listening to a David Icke podcast, and he started explaining some really in depth shit that I'm not gonna get into that one of the massive problems in this world, is that people are too afraid to speak their truth, and conditioned to resist truth (or friction).

I thought "ya know, this guy kind of has a point".

Then, while having a good old game of poker with the boys in @spl, we started having some far out conversation, about quantum physics, AI, mankind's purpose, ect ect ect, the kind of talk futuremind likes.

I jokingly suggested that I would figure it all out one day, and I was met with some retort.. It wasn't bad retort, just a statement that stopped me in my tracks.

I am not going to tag the gentlemen because I didn't ask permission, and I'm not sure if he would be ok with it, but what he said was:

"What would you do with the information if you did?"

I said: "What do you mean?"

He replied with: (paraphrased)

"You could hold the secrets to the universe in your mind, but if you do nothing with the information, it is simply useless".

Well damn, kind of hard to argue with this logic.

I don't believe he was assuming that I didn't have a plan for such knowledge, but he was indeed making a very valid point. I simply told him that I was pretty sure I had a plan, and that he did a great job of making me think. I can't say if my plan wouldn't change with such super knowledge though, because it could change my perspective. I'm not naive enough to believe it wouldn't.

How does this tie in with speaking your truth?

Well for one, if you had knowledge that would be good for humanity but were too afraid of ridicule to express the knowledge, think of the lives that will suffer from your lack of "speaking your truth", in which case it would be the truth, but you catch my drift..

I've always been one to speak my truth, and I don't have very many friends as a result.

Everyday of my life, I feel as though a little more clarity is shed on the mechanics of what is actually happening. At least, I feel I understand it on a more integral level, and it's quite daunting.

It seems pessimistic, I know, but I really think most people are "afraid". Of what, I am not even sure anymore. A big part of it I believe to be a "program" in the literal sense. Where control, manipulation, and power are the basis of the now "human condition".

I come across a great deal of specific personality traits regularly, or perhaps better put, states of insanity, confusion, denial.

Today someone said something that I felt was intended to guilt me, and then reiterated the guilt statement. Me, being a "speak your truth" kind of fellow, quickly expressed that I felt the person was trying to guilt me, and that I was uncomfortable about it. Someone could say "why not just keep that to yourself".. And I could respond with, "Well why not express exactly how you feel in every given situation!!!!"

Surely expressing yourself freely at will, will help you align with people who are more like you. This I believe to be a fact.

And if you never speak your truth, you might be a liar, a deceiver, and a fraudster..

Now when I expressed my truth to the individual, I was confronted with a very selfish attitude. For one, the ability to see how the statement could have made me feel this way was dismissed, quickly, and even described as "petty" and "ridiculous".

At this point I feel violated and disrespected. I know it's only words.. but.. To me, minimizing statements like this are not only a learned behavior, but an avoidance tactic. Also the conversation was quickly coming to a close, and not by my choice, because of course, I was starting to make some valid points that could not be contested very easily, so you see I'M PETTY, end of conversation.

I encounter this behavior so often I don't even know what to make of it. The other behavior that I encounter often is the overly aggressive debater who will attack your character, and even go as far as name calling. Once this starts , the conversation is over. I don't stoop to a level of name calling, it's pathetic in my humble opinion, and serves no purpose at all.

I'll sum this up in a few simple words. SPEAK YOUR TRUTH. No matter how many friends you find out were never really your friends to begin with, no matter how many family members you become ashamed to call family, no matter how alone you might feel at the end of the day. At least you will feel good about yourself, because you spoke your truth.

That is all. Good day Steemian's.

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