Time for another investment round in cryptos?


A portfolio post was long overdue and when I write it I will be a massacre or blood bath! Pretty sure about this.
But with the value of most coins in my portfolio so low, it is maybe time to invest some more money.

But this decision does bring a lot of question with it!
Shall I try to bring the average book price down or should I invest in coins I don't already have!
And in both scenarios the question will be, how should I divide the investment!
And most important, is it still worthwhile to invest in crypto's?

Is it worthwhile?

I think it will be. Maybe the market will need 1 to 5 years to recover and some coins will never be able to reach their All Time High again. But lots of big companies are really investing money in the crypto market.
Hey maybe the blood bath is caused/created by companies who are willing to step in and do want to get the cheapest price possible. What do I know!
But yes, I will invest a small amount of money again!

So this brings me to the next dilemma!

Bringing down the average book price or purchase fresh coins?

Both have their pro's and cons. If I do buy fresh coins (coins which aren't in my portfolio already) it won't feel like I am chasing the losses! And it will feel like a fresh start. But I have ignored the crypto market for some time! No the value of the coins in my portfolio but for sure the new projects or the news about the other coins in the top 10.

If I do strengthen my position in some coins already in my portfolio I will bring down the average book price, which will make it doable again to watch at my portfolio! But on the other side (and as a sports bettor this is important not to do) I will feel like I am chasing my losses! But I still have trust in some coins in my portfolio. In other I did loose trust, but way to late to sell. So I will let those ride and maybe double their share next month for some nibbles.

Still I will go for the option to strengthen my position!

But what coins do deserved to be strengthened?

The coins which will be out of the picture for this investment round are:

  • Vibe
  • Monetha
  • Shell
  • Oyster
  • KCS (Kucoin Shares)
  • Snovio
  • Steem
  • Elixir
  • Coss

Which leaves me with the following coins, who I think maybe still deserve some love!

  • BTC
  • ETH
  • EOS
  • NEO
  • Stratis
  • Neblio
  • Digibyte

I did try some exercise to see if I could divided the investment over all the coins in the list, but because I am only going to invest 250 euro, I do consider this a stupid move.
So, maybe it is best to divide the investment into 4 equal pieces.

Bitcoin and Ethereum will for sure get a piece of the pie. But which other two?
I was thinking about maybe NEO (also delivers GAS) and EOS (less than 50% of the book price).

What do you think or what can you advice me? I know that I will have to make the decision and will have the bite the bullet myself. But all advice is welcome!


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