The secret to take amazing pictures with your phone or compact camera

Hey Steemians! How are you today? I am so good and exating cause in this post I gonna share with you 3 amazing tips to take good photos with your own phone or even a compact camera, believe me make a nice photoshoot by yourself it´s easy and possible! Let´s get starting :D

Hola Stemians, qué tal están hoy? Espero que súper. Estoy muy contenta porque hoy voy a contarles cómo tomar fotos geniales son sus teléfonos o cámaras compactas. Créanme, a veces todo se trata de ponen en práctica ciertas técnicas. ¡Comencemos!

Set up your phone and wait for the sun to shine brightly


If you want to create a great photo, even a selfie just configures your cell phone or camera in the exposure part of values. If the sun is super bright and you want to accentuate the shadows as I did in this pic, put the exposure of values ​​(EV) at minus 1. That will give you a super cute effect.

Si quieres crear una buena foto, incluso si se trata de una selfie, tienes que configurar tu cel o cámara compacta en la parte de exposición de valores y llevar la barra a -1 si la luz del sol es fuerte y si lo que quieres es acentuar las sombras.



This what i am talk about but it will only work if the sunlight is strong and if there are elements that generate shadows in your photo


Please turn off the flash and use a good app to edit

I personally think that using flash only works for certain occasions, but if you use natural sunlight you will not need to activate the flash, so make sure it off at moment of taken the picture

Personalmente, pienso que usar el flash solo funciona en ciertas ocasiones. Así que me parece mucho más efectivo esperar que la luz del sol sea fuerte y usarla al momento de fotografiar. Yo por ejemplo suelo tomar fotos a las 2PM y a las 4PM, son las horas que mejor me funcionan

Let the sunlight fall directly on your skin

This is the key! If you expose yourself at sunlight you will make a wonderful pic, trust in me.

top summer.jpg
When I was blondie

I hope you have found useful this post. If you liked give me an upvote, resteemit and a give me a comment full of love. Have a great day! Hey, tell me what is you favorite app to edit your pics on the phone!

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