A red circle was forming around the bite...bitten in Brasil


I was bitten multiple times in Brasil by all kinds of creepy crawlers.

It's not great but it didn't really hurt.

But after coming home from Brasil and checking my leg I saw one of the bite marks had started to infect a little.

A red circle was forming around the bite.

It didn't look great.

I drew a circle around the red area with a pen and went to sleep that night.

When I woke up the light redness had crossed the line pretty hard.

Man, that's the sort of stuff that scares me shitless.

Visions of flesh eating stuff or baby spider eggs in my leg crossed my mind....

O hell no...

I called the doctor straight away.

They wanted to see me the same day.

After inspecting the area the conclusion was a bacteria managed to crawl inside the area of the bite.

It's called Erysipela (that word alone ugh).

(ps. I highly recommend you don't google it but if you do...no it looked nothing like that).

And well, it has nothing to do with Brasil it can basically happen to anyone that has a damage skin.

It was just unlucky they said.

They gave me antibiotics and told me I was pretty damn smart to show up so fast because this shit can get nasty.

(people that did google it know)

I've been on the pills for about 1,5 days now and the light redness is not growing anymore and I think it's subsiding a little.

Most likely crisis affected.

What a relief I can't even explain.

10 days I need to take them, I don't care I'll happily do it. Grateful for the existence of antibiotics.

Anyway, if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, don't wait to long.

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