It was boring

5 things that I like.

  1. Early morning. Day problems have not come yet, it's still cool, you can drink on the balcony a few sips of coffee with Becherovka and believe that the day will be wonderful.

  2. Thunderstorm. I love storm and rain in the spring and summer, regardless of where I am: at home, in city transport, in a taxi, even on the street. I'm not afraid to get wet, I'm not afraid to catch cold. As soon as the storm begins - for me it's a sign: from this moment everything will change for the better. I do not know why, but more often than not it happens. But sometimes it does not change. When there is a heavy downpour - the city seems to be cleansed and everything is cleansed up in me, this feeling like after a spa - is lightness and euphoria. After a thunderstorm, even the air smells like something else and it is more pleasant for them to breathe.

  3. The sea. Nothing attracts me the way it sea. Recently, it has become some obsession. But tickets for the train to the south are not on sale until the end of the summer, you have to monitor the online sale all the time, suddenly someone will refuse the booking. Now I do not even care what hotel I will live in, I do not care about the conditions, I just need to know that soon I will see the sea and I'll go swimming at night, to check whether I will glow from the sea water with phosphorous microorganisms living in sea .

  4. Paper books. Every free minute I spend reading. A day spent without a book for me - lived in vain. If I will have a hundred million books, I probably can live all my life alone on a desert island. Really. If you want to give me a gift, to which I definitely will be happy - give me book, preferably some classic.

  5. Train. Go somewhere on the train. I have this memory from my childhood. Dad was still alive, and I was little. Every summer we went by train to my grandmother to Belarus. I'm always was be on the top shelf of the reserved seat (at that time I did not even imagine that there is a coupe, and even more so luxury class), I watch the lights of the stations flash through the window, the rivers glisten, the trees circle around the circle. I drink hot bitter tea from a glass with an iron cup holder (do you remember what they used to give tea in trains?) And eat boiled eggs and salt. Usually I do not like them, but on the train they always seemed very tasty to me! And slowly I fall asleep, knowing that when I wake up, the steppe outside the window will be replaced by Belarusian forests. And again, Dad and I will be fooling around all day on the lake, frying and eating shish kebabs and will fish. Now I rarely have to travel by train, but when it happens - it's always a very pleasant experience and on the last night before the trip I usually sleep badly.

5 things I do not like.

  1. Milk. In any form and in any condition - cold, hot, warm, vanilla, chocolate. I just hate it.

  2. Late autumn - I hate slush, dampness, cloudy skies and my eternally half asleep state in this weather.

  3. The uncleanliness. I'm very, very squeamish. If a person has at least some hint of dirty hair or dirt under his nails - this is an excuse to cross it out of my environment. Why do not people consider it necessary to take a shower in the morning? Do not they all feel this terrible smell coming from them?

  4. As a continuation of the previous paragraph - I do not like public transport. I do not like it because in public transport, there are often people who neglect daily hygiene procedures.

  5. Hair. Not on the head. In the bathroom, on the sink, God forbid in food, on women's legs, in the pool, that is, where they should not be.

If it for you not laziness - I expect from you in the comments of your list favorite and unloved things.

I bought toys for myself today. Laptop lightweight as a fluff, long-playing, with extended capacity battery. In high performance mode the charge of battery will last for 6 hours, in the mode of saving the charge - 10 hours. And, smartphone with a Kievstar unlimited sim-card to use as a modem on the train or if I get into some ass, where in general there is no stationary Internet.
Damn, I think, six months ago with my salary, which I have at that time, to buy such toys, I would have to work 2 years and at the same time do not eat or buy anything, but now, this is almost pocket money. Holy cryptocurrency, it is time for me to pray for her =)


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