2018: Time To Act For Climate Justice (BUSY)


Although the current situation does not seem bright for the inhabitants of the planet, now is the time to act for real climate justice


Our planet is able to host us thanks to delicate global balances, as it is possible to know human life. Although we do not have the chance to see it from our geography, the most fundamental of the variables that make up this balance are the corals that die due to the radical increase in temperature averages due to climate change, in addition to the high pollution in the seas. We will disappear if corals that produce the most basic ring of the food chain, the living resources of the oceans that supply the planet's oxygen source and the lives of more than 500 million people, disappear.

By 2017, 2016 was the hottest year measured, and sea temperatures brought the largest, global coral bleaching seen up to now, up to 2-3C above normal temperatures. 2017 is a hotter year than 2016. Who's your coral reef? Companies that do not hesitate to leave their chemical wastes open to the sea, especially in the fossil fuel sector, emit greenhouse gas emissions by ignoring climate change. Of course, as well as the companies that commit the crime, it is a criminal offense to encourage them, even encourage them, encourage them with legal privileges.

Although the current situation does not seem bright for the planet's inhabitants, we see that steps are being taken to prevent the situation from getting worse when we come to the end of the year. The "right to pollute" is no longer a valid argument, because the planet can not tolerate more pollution.


Investments are withdrawn from fossil fuels

Civil society's spending on decades of campaigns sprouted in 2017. At the "One Planet" summit in Paris, the World Bank announced that by 2019, it will not finance any phase of fossil fuel leaks. At the same summit, the Dutch ING bank announced that it will cut all its financial ties with companies that have invested in coal by 2025, while the world's third largest insurance company, AXA, announced that it will withdraw 113 coal mining companies from its portfolio to attract a total of 2.4 billion euros in coal.

Norway, one of the world's oil giants, announced that it would attract investments made by its asset fund, which has a trillion-dollar investment portfolio, to fossil fuel companies. The Norwegian asset fund was investing heavily in oil companies such as Exxon, Shell and Total, which are the leading figures in coral reefs.


Cities that find the transition of states to climate action slow are also upgraded in 2017. Germany, which already has a high share of energy in energy production, tried to establish a new government, but Berlin closed the last working coal-fired thermal power plant Klingenberg, even though it could not explain the date of the coal output. The last remaining thermal power plant in Munich was a popular referendum to close long before the scheduled closure date, and the dominant majority of the Muniches voted to shut down the plant at the earliest possible date. Despite the Climate Denier Trump, New York state pension funds, which are the largest mutual funds in the US and even the world, have announced that they will withdraw from fossil fuel investments. American climate justice groups have been struggling for years to get the New York pension fund out of fossil fuels.

Although 2017 has come up with good news for fossil fuel output, 2018 will be a challenging year. On the one hand, scientists will present a report on the catastrophic pitfalls waiting for the planet in the case of global temperature increases of up to 1.5 degrees Celsius, while the UN's 24th Conference of the Parties to Climate Change (COP24) will take place in Poland, the insistent country of Europe's coal. Despite all the climate disasters in 2017, Trump does not seem to stop betraying the planet by denying climate change without any legitimate scientific data.


Although the passing of financial markets to low carbon is currently positive, it is not possible to reach a fair world for everyone, without turning to the sincere demands of climate justice and energy democracy. In the past, when the planet and we were in a difficult situation, all the necessary actors could suddenly prevent some disasters. For example, there was a time when the world mobilized and struggled with the ozone hole, in recent history. Now is the time for all actors to act for real climate justice.

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