Patience on scripture

Text: “For whatsoever thing were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” Rom 15:4*

The meaning of the term “patience of scriptures” is a little bit obscure in the King James Version. We’ll look at it from some other versions. NIV says “...Through endurance taught in scriptures...” The Amplified Bible says “...That by (our steadfast and patient) endurance and the encouragement (drawn) from the scriptures...”
One major virtue that we draw from scriptures is the ability to be steadfast and resolute in life until we see the purpose of God come to pass in our lives. God’s word teaches us to endure through the process of becoming all we are created to be.

Life will place demand on you that will require that you hold on and be steadfast in the face of contrary winds.

If a man gives up easily that man will never become anything significant.
Great men and women are people who are ready to go all the way with God until they see fulfilment of promises and prophecies.
The life of Job is a typical example for us today. He was resolute in his convictions about God in spite of his loss and disappointment. He did not give up on God for any reason. He did not allow the changed circumstances of life to change his perception of God. James 5:11 talks about the “...Patience of Job...”KJV NIV talks about “...Job’s perseverance...” Amplified says “...Endurance of Job...”

Patience here simply means steadfast in convictions and endurance in doing what we know is right to do. Life may not deliver your destiny on a platter of gold. You will have to be steadfast until you see that happen. Patience of scriptures produces maturity in our lives so that we can be fully prepared for destiny.

LEARN MORE: James 1:2-4; 5:7-8

*PRAYER REQUEST: In the name of Jesus we declare that lives are continually changed by the ministry of your word. 2 Cor 3:18

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