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Text: “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Rom 10:10

Confession in our context today is not talking about confession of sins. That is the only thing so many people know about. Confession in our context today is “Saying exactly what God has said concerning our lives or a situation.” This is something God expect us to do as a regular part of our lives. The word of God is never designed to remain on the pages of the Bible, rather they are meant to be stored in our hearts and constantly declared with our mouths.

The law of confession is revealed all over scripture. David said “I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and fortress...” God’s instruction to Joshua was “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth...”, in other words keep declaring what I have said concerning your life and your circumstances. Jesus said “Whosoever will say to this mountain...” The promises of God’s word become a reality in our lives as we declare them with our mouths.

Confession of God’s word is an expression of what we believe. It’s an expression of what has dominated our hearts. This is why when you say negative words it’s also assumed that it’s the content of your heart. The mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart. Sometimes we say things and claim that we are playing. This is one major reason why so many lives have no shape or colour. There is nothing like I am playing with words in the realm of the Spirit. Whatever we say is confirmed for us. I strongly believe that was why David prayed like this “Let the words of my acceptable in thy sight, O Lord...” Ps 19:14. What you believe in your heart only becomes a reality in your life when you confess the same with your mouth. Whatever is too big for your mouth to say will be too big for you to experience.
In conclusion as man think in his heart so he is therefore my fellows steemian always confession good thing to your life and God shall bring it to pass.


I am the head and not the tail. I am above only and not beneath. The lines are falling unto me in pleasant places. I have a goodly heritage.
LEARN MORE: Joshua 1:8, Ps 91:2,

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