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Text: "Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ” Ephesians 3:8

Looking at the past of Apostle Paul from human perspective he would have been the most unqualified of all men to be used by God. Knowing how he persecute the church and killing of brother Stephen . Our God still call he to be use to proof to us that, we are not justify by good deed but by faith in Christ Jesus who die for our sin
He was so used of God far beyond even the disciples that were train by our Lord Jesus .
From our anchor scripture Paul described himself as “...less than the least of all saints...” but at the same time he recognised that the grace of God made all the difference. Therefore my brethren we must seek for the Grace that make the difference, for to be effective the area we are call to serve God.
Let’s hear him talk again “But by the grace of God I am what I am....Yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. 1 Corinthians 15:10. He was so clear and confident about what made the difference in his life. If you read the entire verse he spoke about labouring more than every other person; but again it was all because of the grace of God that was available for him.
Grace is a divine qualification on our lives. The grace of God has been so lavished on our lives. There are places we may never be able to get to based on certain human criteria; academics or social. But by grace qualification we can get into those places. Many of us are from unrecognised family backgrounds; that’s as far as the natural is concerned. Now grace has a universal recognition. That is what is at work in our lives today. The grace of God has no limitations.
I want to challenge you to become clear, conscious and confident of the grace of God that is at work over your life.
The grace of God is the divine ability that is working in a man and finding expressions in everything he does. Take your eyes off the limitations of natural or academic backgrounds and focus it on the grace of God bestowed in your life in Christ.

The grace of God qualified me for destiny. By his grace working in me I can rise to any level in life in Jesus name .
Remain blessed.
LEARN MORE:John 1:16, Romans 12:1 to the end

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