Steem Monster Rules - 101 (Your Monster Levels Matter)

This is the third in a series to explain to my friends how Steemmonsters works. The first post is: Steem Monster Rules - 101 (The Beginning) and the second post is: Steem Monster Rules - 101 (The Battle Rules). I realize different people have various knowledge levels of the game, so I decided to do a series of different posts to break it down and simplify it. If you are familiar with it, then you will find this boring. But if you are new, then hopefully I can make it simple to see how it works.

Steem Monster Rules - 101 (Your Monster Levels Matter)


Rule #1 - A Monster Can Gain Levels

If you remember back to our 1st lesson, you will remember that "Summoners" are key to what level of monsters you can play. So if your summoner is a level 2, then all your monsters will play at level 2 or below. Conversely, if your rare summoner is a rare level 8, then your monsters can play at full potential. So don't forget the first lesson, and if you don't understand this, then please go back to lesson 1.

Each monster has a group of stats and potential abilities that get stronger as the card gets more experience (aka "gains levels"). There are 2 ways for your monster to get this experience (defined as XP):

#1 Monsters can earn experience through playing in @steemmonster hosted games (both individual battles and tournaments). Each time a card is played it will earn something in these contests, but the exact definitions are yet to be disclosed. Suffice it to say that they will cater to both the avid player and the casual player, and find ways to make both grow over time!

#2 Monsters can earn experience through "merging" with other cards of their production run. So for instance, if you have bought the "alpha edition" cards already and you have 2 Level 1 Medusa's. You can combine the first Medusa with the second Medusa and make a brand new card that will be a Level 2. (NOTE: as you go up levels this gets much harder and requires many many cards.)

If anyone needs any help in how to level your cards on the Steem Monster market, please ask in the comment section and we can help you!


Rule #2 - Your Monsters Gain Power As They Grow

In the beginning you will see what stats and abilities (if any) that your monster has. (see below)

SM card explained.png

As you gain levels then all these stats can grow larger and your card becomes more powerful. In addition, at certain levels some cards get new abilities (like in the example card: Group Heal). To see what stats and abilities a monster will get at a particular level then you can go to your "Collection" and click on the card. Then you click on "Stats" (see pic below):

sm stats.png

I've highlighted the level at which the Crustacean King gets another ability called "Protect", which is level 6. So if you want this ability added to your cards in battle, then you need this monster to be a level 6. As you can see, the Crustacean King is a support card so his main powers are his abilities to help his teammates. If you were to look at a "tank" then you might see their attack power or health levels really grow as they get more levels earned.

If you aren't familiar with what happens to your cards as they gain more levels, then I strongly encourage you to check out the different levels of each card in your deck and decide which powers you like and which ones you don't. All cards are different and strategy will be important.


Rule #3 - Develop Strategy Based On Mock Decks

I made a sample team in the last lesson and that is a good example of making a "mock deck". For those that didn't see it, here it is again (below):

sample red team.png

The reason for making these mock decks is to develop a strategy and decide which cards you want and which cards you don't. Also you want to decide what to level up and what not to level up based on your budget for the game. Not everyone has an unlimited amount of funds to level up everything, so picking which cards work best for you is a good exercise to do!

So lets look at the team I selected in the example and I will show you things to consider.

sm mock team.png

Of course you will do your own teams in all the different colors. And when doing them you will make determinations on what cards are best to not only have, but which levels you want them. Some cards are better when leveled versus others, so using this type of mock deck will help you make good choices!

If you have any questions or want an opinion on your mock deck, just reply in the comment section and I will be happy to help!


This ends today's basic lesson. These are 3 rules that I think everyone should know when first starting out with this very cool game. There are other posts that you can get more info if you feel you are ready to go to the next step, like this one:

Steem Monsters Gameplay Mechanics Revealed!

I will be doing a followup where I expand on the topics discussed soon. I like to give out info in smaller bites so that people can consume it easier. But I also encourage anyone to ask any questions below in the comment section and I will be happy to answer to the best of my ability.

Also if you haven't seen a match with the cards yet, check out this match with me and @yabapmatt. It shows how awesome this game is going to be, and just remember we are all still very much in the beginning! No real gameplay has even started yet ;)

(Note: run in 0.25x speed)


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