My Crazy Idea for Curation Rewards on Steemit

Here is an off the cuff, random, wingnut daily idea. I have been following with great interest @kevinwong 's posts lately, he is really getting at the heart of the matter of the economics of steemit. He is not a witness here on steemit, but I encourage you to read to read his posts, they are very to the point and he lets you know exactly where he stands.

In one of his posts I started thinking, if I were king/queen of steemit for a day what would I want to happen? I think the focus here should be to "Bring the fans to the venue, put butts in the buckets," in other words make our cool, very well kept secret sanctuary less of a secret by making the masses able to participate as they wish. That poses problems though, right away as we all know. Not all of us can sing or dance, write, play an instrument, or be a very attractive and interesting woman on here (no matter how hard I try I have to accept that, lol--being 6'2'' 290 lbs looking like a lumberjack makes that difficult), or whatever floats the masses boats at any given tide.

So the point is I think post rewards should go as the following: 33% to the poster, no more no less. Now, if they wish to get in on the curation of their own post, they are more than welcome, but they would have two phases of curation and they would only be able to take a massive chunk out of one them if they are "A big deal." We have two ends of curation, the first, being the front run curation, starting after one hour of posting. You may vote on any post but the vote doesn't go into affect until 24 hours after creation, and the order of votes are parlayed into a pool, and in the order they are received, they are automatically placed one minute apart from each other, having the curation maximum for the front run being 2.5 days after the cooling period, or when the post is exactly 3.5 days old. Then the second, or back end curation period starts, which is 3.5 days + 1 second after the initial post is made. This also continues with a voting sequence that spreads each vote out one minute from the next, unless there is a gap in voting, then it waits until the next vote is cast, exactly the same as the first curation half, or the front run period. Now, this will create two sweet spots in curation maximums, with the ideal time being the mid point in time for the front run, of 2,520 minutes into the post (2 day, 18 hour point) and the top spot on the back run would be at the 4.75 days (4 days, 16 hours). Have an ascending curation reward up to those points, and descending after these times. The community will be giving the bid bots also two sweet spots for buyers to use their bots, and they can have their limitations as well, there is also a far more random activity pattern, as an author that usually blows the doors off of it, could have their post pre-voted by 400-500 people out of the gate, but they are all in the front run half of the curation (1/3 of the payout). There is also the first sweet spot of using the bid bots on the post, should the poster wish. Assuming there is more voters than minutes in the first half of curation, which is quite a few (5,040) to be exact, the next votes will be carried over into the second half of the curation, or if there is an overflow later in the post, that will be the result. This will make curation harder, but much more rewarding. Vice versa for the back run, then all voting will be ceased after 6 days and the post will payout within 24 hours. But cryptkeeper17, what happens to the other 1%, I suppose you want that don't you? Nope. No one gets it. Burn it. 1% of the payout each time is burnt, sent off to @null, creating an economy of inflation avoidance by eliminating 1% of all production making the SBD, or whatever portion of the currency is paid out to those that are the "Verbs," or actual workers providing humanity behind the automation will have a crypto that ideally will avoid hyper- inflation like fiat has become, as this of course is an alternative to that.


What are your thoughts?


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