Do you want to close the company where you work? #8: The fierce Inspector


In my country, "although I believe it applies to many others", for several years, a process of continuous closure of companies of all categories and of all sizes has been happening, in an accentuated manner; that is, companies that have been closing their doors. The main cause of the closure rests basically on reasons or governmental political actions, which have been drowning the business sector gradually. However, although the above is extremely important to analyze, the objective of this post is not to analyze the political issue; but rather analyze the failure or closure of the companies from the point of view of the behavior of the worker, of the human resource that works in it; and this we propose in this way, because we consider that there is a large share of responsibility for workers in this serious situation.

Therefore, in order to continue analyzing this problem and supported in a kind of illustrated micro-story technique, the following is the Post # 7 related to this topic, which refers to "THE FIERCE QUALITY INSPECTOR"


As in any manufacturing company, the Quality Control management is key to ensure that the products that reach the market satisfy the requirements of the customers. Of course, this management ensures the permanence of the company in the market.

But beware! A bad use of this management can lead the company to immensely large costs associated with rejection of products, which is the result of the erroneous decisions of a Quality Inspector, who has been foolishly empowered by his immediate bosses, who without realizing the damage they can give to the company and their co-workers, have put in the hands of a man blind, transcendental decisions for the subsistence of the company. As Simón Bolívar, The Liberator, once said, in one of his many thoughts: "An ignorant people is the blind instrument of its own destruction"


Although it seems incredible this happens and more when we are living in a country of people with resentful mentality and protected by a socialist-communist government. Certainly, "the fault is not the blind but who gives the stick," and in this sense, there are managers who are accomplices or useful fools of this mismanagement can be catastrophic for the survival of a company.

In an erroneous way you face to the inspectors' checkpoints to see if they decide to approve your product "... there is a lot of ignorance involved.

And meanwhile:

The cost associated with the rejected product continues to grow!

Final consequence:

…the road to closing the company continues…


…Until the next post,



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