(#3) When I was poor in Capitalism:

What happiness when we were bathing!

and now that I'm rich in Socialism:

Forget about taking a good bath!

and if you really want to take a bath:

Ouch! make your queue anywhere to get a container with water...and by the way, you have to pay for it.

When I was poor in Capitalism:

Yeeeeaah! We always had domestic gas to cook our delicious meals!

and now that I'm rich in Socialism:

Make a makeshift wood stove anywhere to cook!

and if you want to cook comfortably at home:

Ouch! Make your queue anywhere to get a gas cylinder ... and by the way, you don't know for how long.

Shh... this is the excellence of all public services in the Socialism of the XXI Century ... Maybe later we will review the issue of electricity.

And further on we will continue to disclose some other important differences between being poor in Capitalism and being rich in Socialism.

Please take note, so that The Socialists will not catch you unprepared.

…Until the next post,



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