For the government, Venezuelan emigration does not exist.

Hi friends steemians, apparently both the vice president of the Republic and the communication and information minister of the madurista government, that is, Delcy Rodríguez and Jorge Rodríguez - both brothers - have no choice but to lie as the only source of trying to cover with a finger , the migratory crisis that has been generated by millions of Venezuelans who leave their homeland in a forced way, before an economic crisis triggered by hyperinflation, as well as by a deep restriction of democratic freedoms that have turned the Venezuelan political system into a neototalitarianism.

Therefore, when in a press conference the Rodriguez brothers with maximum paraphernalia try to hide with some printed sheets under the Power Point program some figures with which they try to self-detest with the data generated by the 2011 census, and that according to that official data just we have little more than a million foreigners, it is obvious that the conscious madurismo of such reality, has begun a campaign of lies that try at least, divert attention to a geopolitical problem that transcends the South American space.

And if the above were not enough, it turns out that national and international media also point out that no less than 150 trails located in La Guajira, Venezuela, serve as a forced transit for thousands and thousands of Venezuelans to emigrate to Colombia, that is, if that is happening for a from the most distant areas, what we can imagine is happening in the border areas and guarded between both countries in the states Táchira, Zulia and Apure, without forgetting that another important number of nationals goes south looking for Brazil.

The most cynical about the statements made by Delcy and Jorge Rodriguez is when the latter being a doctor, dares to say that in Venezuela Colombians and foreigners living in our country benefit from high levels of care efficiency, to the point that they are not only examined by the corresponding doctors, but they even receive the medicines they need, while in contrast the news agency Reuters managed to interview several women who migrate to Brazil in order to make their births possible in that country, and among whose statements a Venezuelan He is perplexed by his words: If I had stayed, my baby would have died. There was no food or medicine, no doctors.

It is hypocritical, when the madurismo through its envoys, the Rodriguez, tries to show us the figures of Colombian displaced persons for more than 50 years, a migration that Colombia has never denied. The point is that now the crisis is generated from Venezuela as a result of a terrible economic crisis coupled with political limitations and destruction of society in all its structures and possible development components. In other words, the madurismo has originated a terrible crisis that has pushed millions of Venezuelans to leave the homeland of the Liberator, which is why, to pretend to attribute the behavior of those millions of compatriots as false promises of the right, is a banalization of the gravity of the matter, that even Maduro has wanted to disqualify those who emigrate by calling them beggars and lavapocetas.

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