
Wind system on earth is divided into 2 groups, namely winds that are general and wind that is local. Sea wind and terrestrial winds are localized winds. In addition to sea breezes and terrestrial winds, other localized wind examples are: valley winds, mountain winds, fohn winds, etc. The wind is categorized as a local wind wind is when the wind occurs only in certain areas that are affected by local conditions.


Sea breeze is the air moving from the ocean to the land. Sea breeze occurs during the day, as the sun begins to radiate heat. the land that is a solid thing can absorb the heat of the sun much faster than the ocean which is a liquid thing. Because temperatures above land are higher than temperatures above the ocean, the air above the ground becomes faster and hotter. The abandoned place will soon be filled with air from the ocean that moves to the top of the land so that there will be a sea breeze.


Wind land and sea breeze is a local wind type that occurs in coastal areas and surrounding areas. The land mass has the physical properties of rapidly accepting heat and quickly releases, the ocean's mass is slow to absorb heat and slowly releases it.
This property causes different air pressure at both places at the same time. During the day land is faster receiving heat, so the air gets hot and then expands and presses lower than the ocean. this pressure difference causes the blowing of the wind from the sea to the land. The wind from sea to land is called the sea breeze.
While at night the air pressure on land is higher than the air pressure at sea. This pressure difference causes the blowing of the wind from the ground to the sea until the winds over land occur.

· Wind Land and Sea Wind
The process of occurrence of land wind and sea breeze caused by different physical properties between surface land and sea. That is the difference of nature between the land and the ocean in absorbing and releasing solar thermal energy. The land absorbs and releases heat energy faster than the oceans. The period of the land wind and the sea breeze is daily.

  1. Sea breeze (the sea breeze)

Sea breeze occurs when in the morning until late afternoon, the mainland absorbs heat energy faster than the oceans so that the air temperature on land is hotter than at sea. As a result hot air in the mainland will rise and replaced cold air from the ocean. Then there was the flow of air from the sea to the land.

  1. The land breeze (the land breeze)

The land wind is the air that moves or blows from land to sea. The land wind usually occurs at night, the mama when the sun no longer radiates heat. Land that is faster in absorbing the sun's heat, the heat will be released faster.

Then the temperatures that exist on the land soon become colder than temperatures above the ocean. Because temperatures above the ocean are hotter, the air is pushed upward as the air pressure over the ocean is lower.

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