He hacked the mail of the youth and sought nude pictures


Former Yahoo engineer Reyes Daniels (34) has been found guilty of hacking the mail of nearly 6,000 Yahoo users. Reyes used to hack nude pictures of young girls from Yahoo.

The information came out in an investigation by the US Central Intelligence Agency (FBI). Reyes admitted that in addition to hacking Yahoo Mail, he hacked iCloud, Facebook, Dropbox and Gmail accounts. His goal was to mail a girl and her friends.

According to tech-website ZdNet, Reyes quit last year after serving nearly ten years in Yahoo. He has long worked as an engineer in the Yahoo Mail service. While on Yahoo, he copies personal photos and videos from the mail without the user's permission and stores them on his device at home.

Reyes could face up to five years in prison for the crime and a fine of two and a half million dollars. The case will be heard on February 3 next year.

Yahoo authorities have not commented on the issue.

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