China Cloning Beagle Dogs Bulk, for What?


Beijing - China has committed massive cloning of dogs for the benefit of research on the treatment of human diseases.

Not only cloned, the beagles are also genetically engineered, so they are born with cardiovascular disease-causing genomes, Atherosclerosis - inflammation of the human blood vessels caused by the buildup of atheromatous plaque in the vessel wall.

The beagle dog cloning project has been running since December 2017, managed by the China Agrucultural University (CAU) Research Laboratory in Beijing. Similarly, as quoted by the Daily Star, Sunday (11/3/2018).

They are nurtured and raised by scientists for the benefit of the study of healing aerosklerosis.

The K-9 was injected with various medical chemicals developed by scientists to see its effect on the healing process of Atherosclerosis.

Dogs are referred to as good research subjects for aerosklerosis disease testing. Because, the variant of genetic diseases suffered by the dogs is almost the same as that found in humans.

CAU Research Laboratory professor Shi Zhensheng said, "Genetically engineered dogs are indeed beneficial to pharmaceutical companies."

The relevance of the cloning dogs is also very important, continued Zhensheng, because, "Pharmaceuticals are always a lot of orders for Atherosclerosis drugs every year."

China Excels in Cloning Technology?


China is now called a country superior in terms of cloning technology.

In January 2018, scientists in China revealed that they had cloned monkeys for the first time.

Images of primates Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua spread throughout the world after experts revealed that they are completely identical.

They are made using a technique called nuclear cell transfer - the same process used for the first animal born of the cloning process, Dolly the sheep.

The breakthroughs in clones of Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua were praised by various parties, calling it a first step towards cloning complex primates, such as humans.

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