Eagle - King Of The Sky (Orao - Kralj Neba)


A symbol of freedom, strength, speed.
For most of the nations it represents a strong symbol. That's why it is placed on those nations crests.

Bald eagle also symbolizes dignity, respect, strength, height, domination.

In spite of all eagle's characteristics, Benjamin Franklin, an American statesman, was unsatisfied that the eagle presents "honor and bravery" of a young advanced nation.
He claimed that the bald eagle is a covert lazy animal which doesn't hunt by itself but lurks from the sky at corpse or steals catch from fishermen's nets.

Believe it or not he was more like a turkey cock, but was not of congressmen's likings.
Bald eagle is a national bird, a symbol of America and it's presented on an official crest of United States of America.


Simbol slobode, snage, brzine.
Kod gotovo svih naroda predstavlja moćan simbol. Zbog toga se i nalazi na grbovima mnogih zemalja.

Beloglavi orao simbolizuje još i dostojanstvo, poštovanje, snagu, visinu, dominaciju.

Ipak uprkos svim tim orlovim karakteristikama Bendžamin Frenklin, američki državnik, bio je nezadovoljan što upravo ta životinja predstavlja "čast i hrabrost" mlade napredne nacije.
Tvrdio je da je beloglavi orao prikrivena lenština koja ne lovi sama, nego od gore vreba na lešinu ili krade lov iz ribarskih mreža.

Verovali ili ne više je bio za ćurana, ali to se nije dopalo kongresmenima.
Beloglavi orao je nacionalna ptica i simbol Amerike, a prikazan je i na zvaničnom grbu Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.

All pictures are from Pixabay


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