90 percent of the world's people are infected with polluted air: WHO

(32.50) 90 percent of the world's people are infected with polluted air: WHO


According to new data from World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations, 9 out of 10 people in the world receive high air pollution by breathing.

On May 2, a message from the Geneva of Switzerland said on Wednesday that due to air pollution from home and outside, 70 million people die every year. But death rates are not the same everywhere in the world. Due to pollution, most deaths occur in poor countries.

According to WHO, more than 90 percent of pollution deaths occur mainly in Asia and Africa, and in lower and middle-income countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, Europe and America.

The Director General of the WHO Tedrosanadan Gebiyasas said, 'Aerodynamics threatens all of us. But the poorest and marginalized people are carrying this burden. It is unacceptable that more than 300 million people - most of them women and children - are still taking heavy smoke from daily use of home-grown pollutant stoves and fuel.

According to the WHO, the particles contained in the polluted air enter the lungs and cardiovascular system, causing respiratory infections such as stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, chronic lung disease and pneumonia. As a result, about 70 million people die every year.

Out of the house, 42 million people died in 2016 due to air pollution. At the same time about 38 lakh deaths occurred due to air pollution due to cooking using contaminated fuel and technology.

The main source of air pollution in the house is this cooking. Yet about 300 million people in the world or more than 40 percent of the world are not getting clean energy and technology for cooking in their homes. But the situation is improving. But in many parts of the world, especially in the sub-Saharan region, the pace of population growth is not improving in the same way.

WHO has identified air pollution as a critical risk factor for non-communicable diseases. Due to the death of adults, 24 percent of heart disease, 25 percent of stroke, 43 percent of lung diseases and 29 percent of lung cancer are dead.

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