Last chance, don't miss it

Hi there,

You can pay attention now or watch the transformation happen right in front of your eyes...
A few months from now you will BE sorry you didn't pay attention when I offered you more info and you didn't take advantage of it!

This is bigger than ALL the programs you have ever been involved with, Low Ticket, High Ticket or Whatever...!

How BIG is this?

This is bigger than Google, Facebook and Bitcoin combined!!!

If you don't believe me, that's fine.. the people who didn't believe in the internet, Smartphones, VISA/MASTERCARD, TV, Radio also said: Nah not us, this sounds a little crazy... we will pass!
It happened in every industry in the world, but the only difference is...

YOU didn't get in on it, YOU didn't participate, YOU didn't make the Millions... You got that chance right now, I am telling you the BIGGEST idea is HERE and is here to STAY, NOT for a few weeks, months or years!

This is NOT just somebody who has set up a website with tools (sure you need it but will it make you the BIG Dollars if you can't recruit?), a MLM, Affiliate Program, Fake Mining Program...
Ever scammed before? -> That's over!, Failed in every company? -> That's over! Can't recruit? -> That's Over! (as you don't need it anymore to earn A LOT of money every single day!)
Are you looking for something that is here to stay, financial freedom that you can pass on to your children -> It's HERE!

About Us:

Cryptocurrency is changing the way the world does business. ShareNode has developed technology that brings businesses and customers together through blockchain technology. The ShareNode token offers you the ability to purchase blockchain marketing tools and systems that the world has never seen.

ShareNode token is part of delegated proof stake consensus. Each token entitles you to 1 vote for a Delegate masternode. ShareNode masternodes provide the computing power to process the transactions of cryptocurrency without drawing on large amounts of energy that is destroying our planet.

Where’s The Problem?

In a traditional mining model, investments with cryptocurrencies are very risky and require a large personal contribution. These systems are very limited and open only to those who have large assets to invest in one coin, one GPU algorithm. That is a big risk. What if the company behind this coin collapses, your investment collapses also. Some people are joining a “mining pool” where you are lucky if you make small bits of coins and are always at risk of the mining pool collapsing. Why take the risk?

ShareNode Is The Solution!

ShareNode (powered by Nasgo) token-revolution of blockchain mining and connecting customers to businesses is the next evolution of a sharing economy since the internet was born. If you own 1,000 ShareNode tokens you are assisting in sharing this eco-friendly model with the world by helping us provide server power to run the Nasgo platform. You will be rewarded with tokens added to your ShareNode wallet daily. Each company joining the Nasgo/ShareNode platform increases the rewards for each of our ShareNode Members. We believe in the W3 Model. A win for companies. A win for the community. A win for members.

How ShareNode Members Get Rewarded

1-Every single side chain company generates 12,600 of its own tokens in a day.
2-ShareNode members receive a daily 20% NSG pairing bonus from the main chain. Not from just one, but from EACH side chain company (limited to 50 million NSG).
3-Members are also rewarded by participating in the 0.01 NSG fee on all transactions.
4-Every new company that tokenizes on Nasgo potentially becomes a part of the ShareNode Program and increases the SNP token price by an additional 0.10.

Take a Look At The Numbers

Join The ShareNode Program with 1,000 SNP Tokens.
Once you acquire 1,000 SNP tokens, you can then use them to lock in a vote in the ShareNode masternode. Each block of 1,000 SNP tokens is equal to one stake of the ShareNode program rewards.
Example: When just 3 companies join Nasgo and the ShareNode Community.

SNP token price will increase by $0.30. Those 3 companies start mining block rewards as sidechains in the ShareNode program. Each company generates 12,600 of its own tokens per day. ShareNode program is therefore rewarded 1,134 million new tokens for that month to allocate equally to all the ShareNode members holding stakes.

Yes! You will receive an equal stake, directly to your sharenode wallet, of the daily 12,600 tokens generated by each company. Imagine 10, 20, 100 or more companies joining!
In addition, you’ll still be rewarded your stake of the 20% NSG pairing bonus on each Company’s token increase and a stake of the 0.01 NSG transaction fees distributed to all the delegates.

Summary: You own your 1,000 SNP tokens.

SNP price increased by $0.30. You can see as the ShareNode program grows with each new company, so do you!
You have your equal stake of the 12,600 tokens accumulated daily from each company.
You have the 20% bonus NSG pairing rewards, and of course, don’t forget the 0.01 NSG in transaction fees stake you have earned.
If you ever want to sell your SNP tokens, you can. They are yours to allocate where and when you want to.
Now, Just imagine the Sharenode program with 100,000 companies involved!
You should, because by 2022 NASGO should reach 100,000 company sidechains.
What would the SNP price be then? Don’t wait, Join today!

  1. Purchase SNP Tokens with either NASGO (NSG), Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH).
    You can quickly and simply purchase SNP tokens at the current value using your own existing NSG/ BTC / ETH wallet.
  2. Go To
    To join the ShareNode program you must register and download the Nasgo wallet.
  3. Become A ShareNode Member
    If you own 1,000 SNP tokens = 1,000 votes. This provides you daily blockchain token rewards in your ShareNode wallet without having to provide expensive, high energy computer server power.
  4. Buy, Sell, Trade Your Tokens
    If you ever want to utilize your SNP tokens, you can. We make it simple in our marketplace.

**My Recommendation: **

Join & Get as many SNP (Sharenodes) as you can - each SNP increases $0.10 every week and you can just watch them grow value without you ever having to sponsor anyone >>CLICK HERE NOW

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