series (s-8): The BROKEN TRUST


A must read and a very interesting true life Story on the tragedy of a young pretty girl.

"...........Hmmmmm sis won't you introduce me to your lovely and beautiful friend?"
Raymond asked Kate,
While I blushed nervously.
"oh silly me"
Kate murmured
"Raymond please meet my dearest friend Cindy" Kate introduced.
She calmly drew close to me, smiling confidently,
"Cindy meet my big cousin Raymond"
Kate said to me.
I nodded and shook hands with him.

With a smiling face, i'm very pleased to meet you" I heard him say politely as he scanned me with his eyes.
"We are actually heading to our lodge, hope you won't mind giving us a lift"
Kate asked.
He instantly nodded and dutifully led us to his car.
"Sure ladies of course, who am I to say no"
he laughed as we walked to his car.

I quietly settled at the rear seat, while kate sat beside him.
He switched on his car engine and quietly drove towards our lodge. I closed my eyes due to exhaustion and almost fell asleep.
We arrived at our destination minutes later, gladly thanked him and alighted, but surprisingly he also alighted from his car and stopped me, and stared at me with a smile.
"Please can I have your phone number?
Please don't decline, because I ask with good intention
" he said to me.
I breathed deeply and shook my head.

"Please don't take it personal, but unfortunately I don't easily give out my number, maybe in due time I will, but not now please"
I replied.
Seriously it appeared on his face, as if my answer crushed his ego. He however quickly recovered and laughed effortlessly.
"Pretty, c'mon ask kate, we are like family" he tried to insist, but katie quickly came to my rescue.

She instantly walked up to him, grabbed his left hand and dragged him away from me.
"Please leave the the girl Ray, don't you have somewhere to go"
she asked jokingly.
"we will meet again, I promise" he said to me with smile, entered his car and drove off.
"Don't mind him dear, though I prefer him to Mike"
Kate calmly apologized as we walked into our room.


I lazily slept throughout that Friday, and later in the evening, went over to Kate's room where we argued for a while as she tried to discourage me from going over to William's family house.
"Seriously I commend your bravery and courage in deciding to apologize to his family, but I really don't think it's a wise idea, looking at it from a different point of view.
How do you think they will look at you?
Do you think you can survive the tension?
Hmmmm babe, I guess you have a Lion's heart,
she murmured when she saw how determined I was.

"But babe I still need a favour from you"
I said pleadingly.
"I'm all ears" she answered and held my hands.
"Please can you go with me, I need you to
accompany me, I need someone to share the tension with
I begged with all my heart.
She instantly drew back with fear.
"noooo" she gasped.
"Yes " I nodded.
She breathed and shrugged.
"I pray they don't pour us hot water"
she murmured.
I hugged her happily, eyes filled with relief.
"Thanks a lot Kate, I owe you much "
I murmured gratefully, while she rolled her eyes.

Early the next day, we headed to Williams' family house, very scared and nervous. but I was consoled with the fact that I was doing the right thing.
"hmmmm " breaths deeply....
I guess, the outcome of that journey will be a story for another day.

11am, we were at Williams' family house.
"I think coming here is a bad idea, we should go back " I nervously muttered when we got to the gate.
Kate scoffed and shook her head.
"No no no madam ,we ain't going back, we are already here and we have to go ahead with what brought us to this place, moreover it's hundred percent your idea" she said to me as she firmly held my left hand.
without another word, we walked into the compound, cautiously with prayers in our lips.
we soon got to the entrance door, stopped and stared at each other nervously.


"What are you waiting for?
C'mon knock on the door!"
she urged as if it was a very simply thing to do.
I swallowed hard, shrugged and knocked gently.
Two minutes later the entrance door was flung open by Williams' mother, who stared at us with a surprise look, breathed deeply and admitted us into the house politely, even though her smile was heavily cloaked with sharp coldness. I searched for Williams with my eyes as we walked into the sitting room, but unfortunately couldn't locate him, which made me more uncomfortable, while his mum's pointed at a couch and I settled on it with Kate who dutifully sat beside me.

"My son told me you wanted to speak with me ?"
The old woman asked after some minutes had gone by. I breathed deeply, rubbed my knees nervously, nodded and smiled.
"Mom please where is Williams? "
I asked calmly,
"I sent him on an errand, I thought you only wanted to speak with me, don't you?"
She asked curiously with a burning gaze,
"Yes ma, his presence is really not needed "
I murmured with a coloured face.

"Actually ma, I came to render an apology "
I stammered, while she drew forward on her chair, feigning surprise and pretending as if she wasn't aware of what I came to do.
Her action truly unsettled me further, I was so so nervous. I was doing something I haven't seen any girl do and the old woman was making it more difficult for me with her intense behaviour.
I tried to continue with my speech (apology)
but was unable to, all I was able to do was just to throw a nervous glance at Kate who gave me an encouraging smile.

I never knew rendering a sincere apology could be so difficult. My phone however rang that moment breaking the tension and silence in the room.
It was my mother calling.
"Your dad was involved in a motor accident an hour ago, Where are you? "
I heard my dear mother say over the phone, leaving me dead with fright.
"Oh no God why? " I cried,
shocking everyone with my outburst...
I instantly dropped my phone in shock and held my head.
Kate dutifully shook me, concerned and anxious to know the reason for my outburst.

"Hope all is well my dear?" Williams' mum calmly asked.
I breathed deeply and shook my head.
"My dad " I cried.
"Yes, what happened?"
Kate asked, but before I could answer, my phone rang again.
"Hello mum " I murmured as I answered her call for the second time,
"We are at St James hospital, very close to your school. Where are you?"
she asked again .
"I'm, I'm "I stammered.
"Please be here quick, I need to rush home and get something "
She added without waiting for my reply, while I breathed deeply.

All eyes were on me as I dropped my phone and stared back at Williams' mum whose eyes were seriously scanning my face in deep awe. I stood up uneasily, bit my lips and shrugged.
"I'm sorry ma, but I have to start leaving, I just got a terrible call from my mother Informing me that my dad was involved in a motor accident this morning "
I explained with tears.
The old woman gasped, covering her mouth with her hands,
"oh dear lord" she screamed, made the sign of the cross, drew forward and held me with concern.

Her expression forced more tears out of my eyes, making me sob uncontrollably. I broke free from her and ran outside while kate eagerly followed me.
I felt bad, broken and down casted, very scared and lost. Not only was I crying for my dad's accident, I equally was crying for my life.
I was extremely scared of my future, scared of tomorrow and scared of my family's fate. I never believed in superstition but yet I had a very strange feeling about everything, I fear that the evil wind of misfortune had not only befallen me but has engulfed my innocent family as well.

I felt very responsible for everything. I saw my life turning up side down.
"save your tears dear, things may not be as bad as you fear"
I heard kate say as she held me reassuringly, I stared at her with prayers in my lips.
"I hope so dear, I pray so, because if dad dies now I'm finished " I murmured sadly, very painful but truthful sentence it was.

We finally got to St Mary's hospital an hour later.
We soon found Dad in the male ward, lying helplessly on a bed, mum by his side watching over him keenly. My heart skipped as my face coloured.
"Dad " I cried, rushing forward to hold him while kate dutifully held my left hand softly. More tears fell from my eyes as I stared at his legs which were heavily bandaged.
"Stop crying dear, they are just flesh wounds, the will heal within days"
Dad assured me,
Forcing out a dry smile, but I wasn't convinced even though I never argued about it.

"What took you so long? Isn't your lodge just a stone throw away from here?"
mum asked searchingly.
I shrugged and stared at her.
"I'm very sorry mum, Kate and I really were out of town, attending a friend's wedding "
I lied effortlessly.
"hmmm, alright I don't have your time now, take my position and watch over your dad while I rush home to get more money and other things"
She replied, standing up with a nervous smile.
I hugged her,
''Alright mum, please be careful "
I Whispered into her ear.
She nodded, held dad's hand for some seconds before leaving me to watch over him.

I offered Kate mum's chair while I sat at the edge of dad's bed.
Kate was really a wonderful friend, she stayed with me without complaining or leaving till mum showed up later in the evening with food and some other stuffs.
"I brought enough food for everyone"
mum smiled as she dropped the huge food flask on the floor. I smiled, while kate shook her head.

"Oh no don't tell me you guys are not
she asked with a drawn face.
"Oh dear, leave the girls alone, you don't expect them to eat in this environment, do you?"
Dad murmured weakly,
Coming to our defence, and making mum to shrug in resignation.
"Alright I think it's time you girls returned to your lodge and rest.
I can handle him alone"
she said with a smile, while I yawned.


It wasn't an easy thing watching over a loved one in the hospital.
However my mind calmed after discovering that Dad wasn't in any grave danger, just a little fracture, and more of flesh wound. (an accident which occured when a speeding vehicle brushed the cab conveying him to the bus park, sending him and the cab driver to a nearby wall).
Kate and I returned to our lodge by
6:15 pm very tired and weak.
She quickly went over to her room while I rushed to mine, freezing in shock as I ran into Mike who was standing on my door way, with his hands in his trouser pocket.

"Where are you coming from?
I have been here all day".
he asked with a suspicious look, annoying me with his question. I swallowed and rolled my eyes.
"Oh please! " I sighed, provoking him further.
he bit his lips and stared at me angrily. He seemed ready for a fight which I equally was willing to give it to him double. Mike followed me into my room, sat on my bed and crossed his legs.

"Is it not time you start leaving.
It's past six already? "
I asked coldly, while he shrugged and yawned.
"I see you are all out to provoke me today,
but why Cindy, why?
" he asked with a mild tone,
"Because you have been provoking me lately and I'm equally not in the right frame of mind this moment.
"My Dad just had an accident and he is helplessly lying at St Mary's hospital, so please let me be " I lamented and robbed my eyes.

He gasped jumped up and held me, lines of shock and surprise appeared on his face as he stared down at me. He appeared genuinely touched.
"Why didn't you call to inform me earlier, you know I'm now part of your family now?"
he murmured as he held me.
I broke free from him, and stared at him with a coloured face.

"How do you expect me to call you, when it's obvious you are still having a good time with your baby mama? "
I accused him.
He swallowed hard and frowned slightly.
"I know you are not thinking properly right now, I better leave so that you can freshen up,s leep and get yourself back.
Good night dearie."
he said to me, planted a kiss on my forehead and left without another word.


I really was unable to sleep that night, I kept tossing on my bed as I thought of my life, my family and my relationship with Mike, everything seemed to be in disarray, I couldn't believe my life was crumbling.
"God why why why? "
I kept asking.
Early the next day, I headed back to the hospital with a flask of hot water and some porridge which I specially prepared on mum's request.
My heart flew, when I got to the ward and saw Mike seriously chatting with my mum and Dad.

He never told me he was coming, which really caused the shock and surprise I felt as I saw him.
However dad was in lively in spirit so was mum, leaving me with choice than to relax.
I walked up to them , greeting politely as I dropped my load on the floor.
"How was your night?"
my parents asked.
I shrugged and smiled,
"I couldn't sleep well because I was worried "
I replied as I gave Mike a strange glance, which made him shift uncomfortably.

My phone rang soon after, breaking my attention as I answered the call.
a slight frown appeared on Mike's face as soon as he heard me call Williams' name.
"Mum told me your dad was involved in an accident, I tried calling you last night but couldn't get through.
How he is?"
Williams asked,
"Oh he's getting better, though we are still at the hospital. At saint Mary's hospital along the school road " I replied,
"My mum and I are coming over right away"
he replied and hung up the call while Mike silently stared at me.

We said nothing to each other even though we had a lot to say. My parents however never noticed the tension between us and I was glad they didn't.
11:30 am, kate walked into the ward with Raymond by her side, I was extremely surprised to see both of them , especial Raymond because I knew he came for my sake.

I was nervous as I watched them draw closer, while Mike and my mother exchanged glances.
My heart pounded furiously as I equally remembered that Williams and his mum were also on their way to the hospital.
"Oh no! " I gasped........

Kate sensing the tensed atmosphere in the room didn't allow Raymond to spend nothing but few minutes with us before politely walking away, but the few minutes he spent with us however didn't stop him from giving his feelings away by the manner he stared at me, which Mike noticed.


He however never made any silly remark, nor tried to flirt with me,
Probably because of the presence of my parents and the environment we were in,
But it never stopped me nor any curious person nearby from guessing what was going on in his mind. His behaviour and restlessness revealed

Mike was extremely overwhelmed by Raymond's boldness or should I say alarmed over all he witnessed,
But his surprise and fury further heightened when he saw Williams and his mother walk in few minutes after Raymond and kate had left.
However he was very polite and diplomatic as he exchanged pleasantries with them.
Of course he had no choice than to be, even though his coloured face almost gave his feelings away.

Sincerely, I saw no reason for his tensed look. As my parents chatted with Williams and his mum, I felt like shedding tears. For once, I never imagined nor dreamt that my Dad would ever be an object of pity, lying in such a helpless condition.
Yea I wore a smiling face, but I was dead inside.
I couldn't help but wonder what was going through in Williams' mind, his mother's mind and even in Mike's mind.

Oh how terrible and devastated I was as the whole event unfolded. Williams and his mother left after spending close to thirty five minutes with us.

Be strong dear, most times challenges come to test our faith and courage, but how we stand it, is what truly matters in the end, there isn't any need crying over spilt milk.
Your dad is a strong man.

Williams' mum had advised me as they got ready to leave. The good old lady was nothing but Kindness. (Williams' mother)
She also gave me some cash before leaving. Mike's cold gaze rested on me as soon as they left.
"Please can we talk outside?" he said to me, forcing out a dry smile with which he confused my parents with. But I wasn't deceived by it because I knew he was dying of jealousy.
"Why do men always feel threatened over a minor issue? "
I wondered why, without another word, I stood up and Followed him.

We silently left the hospital building and stopped in front of a small shop just a stone throw away.
"hmmm so why we here? "
I asked softly, folding my hands.
He simply smiled, shrugged and stared at me searching.
"Is there anything I need to know?"
he asked provoking me with his annoying question.

"Mike please don't tell me you brought me all the way here just to ask if I there is anything you need to know? "
I fired back, trying hard to keep my feelings in check. he shrugged again, drew forward and held my left hand.
"I was very surprised to see Williams, and his mum today, why didn't you tell me they were coming, or didn't I deserve such information?" he asked.
I kept quiet, refusing to answer him.

"Of course I know you won't answer, I know you are always right in everything, but we are in a relationship, I'm your fiancee for God's sake, I have privileges my dear, don't you get it?"
he asked, making me scoff with annoyance,

"Williams visit equally came as a surprise to me, I never knew they were coming by that hour, so please you are guilty as well or have you forgotten your Stella so soon huh? "
I answered with a raised tone. He rubbed his hair and face, turned and backed me nervously.
"and how about the guy your friend showed up with earlier today, I couldn't help but notice that you two do have something going on?"
he asked.
Still backing me.

"What are you insinuating? "
I can't believe my ears " I screamed.
"In fact, believe whatever you like Mike, I don't care and I don't have the strength to argue with you this hot Sunday "
I shouted and ran back to the hospital ward, where mum gave me a curious look. Fortunately she asked no question.

3:15pm Sunday,
I barely had settled in my room after a long strenuous day at the hospital, with my mind boiling over Mike's attitude when Kate came rushing into my room.
"Oh dear Cindy, please permit me to give Raymond your phone number, i don't know what else to tell him. He has been insisting and you know he is my cousin please"
she begged,
throwing me into another state of confusion as I wondered what to tell my dear friend without sounding harsh nor easy.

"Alright, okay you can give him my phone number, but please warn him not to bug me with calls. Moreover I think you should also tell him all about my life so that he won't start nursing an impossible agenda "
I said to Kate whose eyes quickly lit up in happiness.
"No problem dear, I will warn him just as you ant"
she promised, before changing the topic and enquiring about my Dad's health.

Monday finally approached, starting like any other workday. I first rushed to school, attended two morning lectures before rushing over to the hospital to be with Dad, while my mum travelled home.
Watching over my bedridden Dad really wasn't as easy as it sounded, not only was it one of the most boring and sickening period of my life, I suspected that the true nature of his health was being hidden from me.

I saw life and death dancing makosa before my very eyes as they fought over one patient after another, bed by bed they danced, Mr death snapping life out of any patient he so desired, not even those that are fit for discharge or those declared hale and hearty by doctors were spared if it was that patient's turn to die, I was there when they brought out one young guy who they said died few seconds ago as I was in the hospital, fear did grip me and you can't imagine how anxious and scared I was as seconds, minutes, hours and days dragged by.


Wednesday morning,
I was on my way to school when my phone rang, I stared at the unknown number for a while before answering,
"hello Cindy" I heard a familiar female voice greet,
"Hi good morning, please who am I speaking with? "
I asked curiously,
"Oh dear, you are speaking with Stella, Mike's friend" she answered effortlessly, while I recoiled in surprise and anger.

I felt like cursing her that moment but I restrained myself because I was anxious to know what prompted the obnoxious girl to call me.
"What do you want? " I asked,
"Please where can we meet?" she asked, ignoring my question.
"You are not serious " I murmured.
"Don't you think it's time we come to a sort of compromise?"
I heard her ask.
"You're mad! " I cursed.

"Don't say I didn't try to make peace with you oo, I have tried, but I think the bad blood in you won't let you reason well"
she hissed and hung up.
I bit my lips, cursed silently and walked on. so Mike now discusses me and my family with his baby mama.....

I soon heard a car horn behind, startling me. I turned curiously, faintly recognizing Raymond's car as it pulled up by my side.
"hmmm is this one stalking me or is it just a coincidence " I wondered.
"Hi Cindy, you are going to school right? hoop in, let me drop you"
he offered.
"Oh no, don't bother I'm almost at the School gate" I replied politely.
"I insist dear, what are friends for?"
he insisted.
I shrugged, stared at him for a while before climbing, into his car.

He slowly drove into the school premises.
"So how is your dad?" he asked seconds later.
"he is fine " I answered.
"I know I shouldn't be asking you this due to your current situation, but is there any chance of we meeting after your lectures?" he asked.
"what for ? "
I asked innocently, giving him a curious look which made him a bit uncomfortable. He shrugged and laughed.
"Nothing actually, I only feel like hanging out with you"
he replied.

"Please take the next turn by your right, you will see a larger hall, that's where I'm heading to " I said instantly, directing him and changing topic.
"How about Kate?" he asked.
"she doesn't feel like attending lectures today, she's probably sleeping in her room "
I replied.
he said nothing, until we got to the hall. He stopped his car, turned and stared at me.

"I know this won't be the first time you are hearing this from a guy, but I really do like you with all my heart. please let's be good friends and study each other. Hope I'm not asking for much?"
he gently proposed.
I breathed deeply and returned his gaze, I really couldn't make out any good answer for his request.
I simply shrugged and opened the passengers door.


His offer of friendship could literally mean anything. I wasn't ready for another mind game.
"There isn't any problem being friends with you, Moreover I think we are friends already "
I replied calmly. He shrugged and smiled,
"so how about we hang out after lectures?"
He asked again,
"I think you are asking too much, I can't promise you anything else, thanks for the ride " I replied, alighted from his car and headed for Lectures.

Mike however surprised me with his presence after lectures. As I left the lecture hall, I noticed his car parked almost at the same spot Raymond parked his, hours earlier.
I slowed my pace and searched for him, I soon felt someone grab my wrist, I turned to see him smiling at me.
"What are you doing here? "
I asked anxiously, a bit scared that perhaps he came with bad news from the hospital,
"aren't you supposed to be at work? "
I asked curiously.
"Yes I am, but you are equally very important to me, we really need to talk"
He answered calmly.
"Talk about what? "
Is there anything left for us to discuss? "
I asked suspiciously.
"Let's get into the car first"
He smiled.
I obeyed and followed him to his car.

he quickly switched on the engine, reversed and drove out of the school premises.
"Where are we going? "
I asked anxiously.
"Somewhere we could discuss without any noise"
he replied.
"I'm not going anywhere with you, just stop here and tell me whatever you want to discuss with me "
I commanded.
He smiled, slowed and halted his car engine.
"It's all about Stella. She's still at my place, I'm totally fed up"
he poured out vehemently, making my heart leap.

"She's still in my apartment with my little daughter, I don't know what to do. I can't lock her out, I can't hit her either because I'm scared of the consequences, I just don't know how to follow her. She seemed very determined to frustrate me especially after that incident that led us to the police station. I suspect her brother is the brain behind it all, they are very determined to destroy my happiness and future.
Can you believe I'm yet to meet and discuss with the family because they keep on giving one excuse after another each time I try to reach out to them"
.....He lamented.


I felt bad hearing his speech and knowing that he was suffering in such manner. His feelings really reflected in him. I had no doubt he was telling the truth. But I also didn't know what to say.
Stella really was a very crafty, obnoxious young girl who could unleash mayhem without consideration.
"Honey, do you know that lately in every twenty four hours I pass through an hour of anguish, agony and sorrow" I swear I regret and I curse the day I met Stella.
He cried in a degrading manner.

"I don't know what to say, I really don't know "
I Murmured thoughtfully.
"Honey, you don't want to say anything my love" he replied quietly.
"I only want to share my situation with you which I have done" he added.
"I really think your parents will be in a better position to help you on this matter, some things are very much beyond us, but not beyond our elders. "

They say what an elder will sit down and see, a child can't see it even when he climbs on top the tallest iroko tree.

I advised.
"I believe in destiny my dear, and I believe in fate too, I have already over looked all your flaws and believe that if it is written that we be together, nothing will stop it from happening"
I reached for his hand and assured him.
He breathed deeply and bit his lips.

"Babe sometimes you are making it real for me to understand you, sometimes you look at me with spite, treat me with disdain and behave as if you feel nothing for me.
Yet sometimes you display your love just like the morning rose, bringing brightness into the dark heart.
I know I don't deserve you after all I have done, but my love for you is really sincere, I can't stand seeing you with another guy.
I'm selfishly in love with you"
He murmured and stared into my eyes.

"To get to follow things my dear, don't dwell in the past mistakes you made. Just like I said, your parents I think will be in a better position to help you on what to do "
I advised all over again.
Hmmmmm i'm just speechless...

My dad was discharged the following day from the hospital, after spending many terrifying nights at the hospital. I was extremely happy and relieved. Mike was on the other hand had to take my parents home with his car, He really was very helpful.
"Now I can sleep with both eyes closed "
I said excitedly to Kate as we returned to our lodge from the hospital.
"No no no, wait a minute, don't talk about sleep yet, we are first going to party tonight and celebrate"
she hinted mischievously.
"hmmm party what?!
Where? " I asked.
She avoided my question.

"We are clubbing tonight of course, come on girl don't ask me where, you really have to put on some light in your life" she giggled.
"Moreover Raymond is offering to take us to the party."
She announced, making me stare at her suspiciously.
"Please stop looking at me like that ma,
what's your problem
" she eyed me.
I shook my head and smiled.

By 10 pm, we marched out of our lodge and headed straight to Raymond's waiting car.
After days of stress and anxiety, I really needed something to revive my spirit. However I couldn't help but notice Raymond's confident smile as we entered his car.
Perhaps he thought I was already falling for him.
I really had great fun at the club dancing myself to exhaustion. It really was wonderful, pushing aside my fears and worries to enjoy every moment of that night. It was truly a wild night.
"I'm so glad to see happiness back on your face again"
Kate giggled as we danced.

Raymond truly behaved like a gentleman, he never made any silly remark nor behaved inappropriate. I just felt happy, throwing decency to the wind as I danced.
I really can't say what went into me that fateful night.

For the first time I discarded my identity, though it was only for few hours. What a long happy night. Seriously, clubs are where we get to live another life without anyone raising an eyebrow at you.
"I'm glad you guys are happy"
Raymond murmured,
As he drove us back to our lodge by 6:40am.
I looked out of the window and smiled quietly.
He insisted on taking us to his apartment when we left the club by 3:15 am, citing security reasons.
It really didn't go down well with me, but I accepted after Kate pleaded and assured me.
Raymond behaved himself when we got to his apartment. I opted to rest in the sitting room, while Kate had no choice than to stay with me.
She cuddled herself on a long couch and soon fell asleep.
I sat on a smaller one, crossed my legs and waited for dawn .

By 6:15 am, I woke Kate up, who grumbled before going over to the Raymond's room to drag him out. He drove us back to our lodge, minutes later without complaining. But on getting to the lodge I was extremely surprised to see Mike standing by his car that early morning.
I couldn't believe my eyes, nor think of what could bring him to my lodge by that hour.

I was simply dumbfounded, I felt like dodging so that he will not see me, but I had no choice than to alight from Raymond's car.
By then the time was 6:55am.

"So this is what you do?
Just few hours after your parents left the hospital?" Mike asked,
casting a terrible glance at my clothes. I equally wasn't properly dressed.
"I came to see you before going to work, but what did I get. The gateman told me you and your friend spent the night out"
He said angrily.
"I'm sorry dear. I just wanted to ease up stress by clubbing? "
I apologized.

"Who is that guy?" he asked
"Kate's cousin "
I replied
"That's not what I'm asking" he murmured.
"What really are his intentions towards you?"
he asked. frowned and stared at him.
"Don't insult me this morning please, what are you insinuating? "
I asked,
"I know he is buying his time" he said to himself, getting me a little confused.
"Please let's go to my room, I'm very tired "
I begged.
"No I'm almost late for work, but I will be here before 5:30 pm"
he promise, forcing out a smile.
"Alright dear, thanks for helping us yesterday "
I thanked and hugged him.
"It's my obligation, your family is mine also "
he replied.

I called mum as soon as I got to my room and enquired about my Dad. I was glad they were all okay. I smiled, happy and fell on my bed.
"I will be harvesting my crops tomorrow,
the ones planted behind Mrs Rachael's farm
" she informed me,
"Mum! aren't you supposed to rest this weekend? "
I asked with disbelief,
"No dear, there is no fruit left in the house and you know your Dad prefers home made fruits and vegetables."

"Oh mum, you are really stressing yourself too much. Anyway I will be home very early tomorrow to assist you "
I promised and hung up.
I took my bath and slept off, Waking by 4 pm to prepare some noodles and egg which I took with a bottle of coke.
I was about opening a novel I borrowed from a course mate, when i heard knocks on my door.
I rose up and opened my door. It was Kate with Raymond by her side.

I really wasn't pleased to see him but what could I do?
"Don't tell me you are still sleeping lazy girl?"
Kate asked searchingly.
"it's 5:30 already" she laughed.
I allowed them into my room, settled on my bed with Kate, while Raymond sat quietly on my reading chair.
He grabbed the novel I was about to read earlier and focused his attention on it.

"hmmm Bedden or Wedded by Julia James"
He red out the title drawing out my curiosity.
"Do you like romance novels "
I asked without thinking.
"Yea I love literature with passion, I'm a great fan of romance and crime novels, but I prefer crime more.
However it can make me stay awake all night to read a good romance story especially when it's from Harlequin authors Like Emma Darcy's.
"Billionaire's captive Bride,
Willingly Bedden, Forcibly Wedded by
Melanie Mibrune
and a whole lot of others"
He explained fluently.

I was impressed, but just that moment I heard a knock on my door. I glanced at my wall clock and breathed deeply My instinct told me it was Mike.
I opened the door for Mike who slowly entered my room, gasped with surprise as his eyes fell on Kate and Raymond.
He stared at Raymond longer than necessary before forcing out a smile and shaking his hand in greeting. I nervously breathed deeply, while Kate's face coloured up with tension...
Hmmmm what happened next in the room will shock you...

Stay tuned for the next episode.
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