The business of travel


Today I called my new employer to ask if there was anything I needed to know for my start on Monday. It shows I'm eager to start, want to fit in with their requirements and gives them the ability to direct me prior to me starting. The benefit is to me was that I'd arrive more prepared knowing what to expect. I'm a strategic man and like to be prepared after all. As it turns out the State Manager was going to call me this afternoon anyway; see how great minds think alike?

He told me my vehicle arrived and would be ready on Monday even offering to come pick me up and take me to work that day rather than getting a lift with someone else. I declined, I'm an independent person and it didn't feel right. I'm glad my company car is there though; I had a friend who had one as part of her package and it didn't arrive for a month.

Everything is in place for my start and they're looking forward to seeing me; I believe they see great benefits coming from our association and I feel they are doing what they can to expedite the process of getting me settled in.

The company is national, and when I took the job I knew I'd have to travel to the companies head office in Queensland. I'd expected a week or so in the State office here and then a few days at the head office. I was wrong. On todays call the State Manager told me I'd be flying to Brisbane for a week on Monday afternoon after only the morning at the State office here.


I was a surprised but it feels good; it indicates they mean business, want me up to speed and are prepared to get in there and make it happen. It also indicates their desire for fast results, but I'd expected that; usually the results required or expected are determined by the amount of money they offer for the role. This company will want results.

I don't mind travelling; I'm looking forward to meeting the folks at head office, showing them who I am and understanding the company better. It's always easier to deal with people if they have a concept of who you are and vice versa; starting off with (hopefully) a good impression will lead to a better working relationship. I'm sure I'll come back with a lot more information and understanding which will bring confidence and will pay dividends quickly.

I'll be staying at a hotel near the head office and they have a car for me there. I'll work then hit the clubs at night until the early hours of the morning and then work again after no sleep. Hmm, not really.

I'll work during the day and do whatever I need to do in the evenings to make sure the information has sunk in so I can head back the next day and show value. I'll get time to myself though and, because I'll be in her city, will visit the widow of a close friend of mine who took his life a little while ago. It's been too long since I've seen her and she could use a friend. I'll be doing my Hive stuff in the evening also, so if you think you're getting rid of me for a while you're mistaken.

Have y'all had to take business trips, and if so where? Do you find business trips a little lonely like I do? Sitting alone in hotel rooms isn't much fun, neither is sitting alone down at the hotel bar. Feel free to tell me in the comments about your business trips experiences or even comment about travelling alone and how you feel about it. What do you do to keep occupied during business trips or solo travel?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Any images in this post are my own

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