From dream to business

For years I have had this idea, this dream. It was not very clear, but I was quite satisfied with it only existing in my imagination. When it is still an idea, it cannot fail. It was just something safe on the horizon. Something to look forward too. Something to make me feel good about myself. But that is about to change. Over the last month's the comments of my friends, colleague's and some total strangers have accumulated into a much clearer idea. An idea that needs testing.

So, I have decided to start writing a business plan. This way I can test my business idea, look at it from multiple angles and see if it is indeed as fitting for me as I think it is. First and foremost I will be writing it for myself to have a clear idea of what I want to achieve and how to do it. But I also think that there will others among you who find yourself in the same position. If that is you, do let me know. I would love to give you some feedback on your business idea. Help you see the whole picture. Let's help each other.

That is actually related to what I want to be doing too. I have a passion for helping people understand how to market their ideas. How to put their dreams into reality and how use the understanding of their strength's and weaknesses to do it in the best possible way. More about that in my next blog.

But yeah, I have found that my ideas get much clearer when I share them with others and receive feedback. The same goes for writing down my thoughts. So I have decided to share my progress with you Steemians and get the benefit of both. I am hoping to inspire you and at the same time benefit from your responses.

I talked about this with a good friend about my plans to start writing a businessplan. She gave me a good suggestion to not use one of the many templates that can be found on the internet, but instead use a book that has been used for many years. One that has been reprinted several times and can be found in the library. As this is a good way to determine its quality.

The book I found and will be using is "How to write a business plan" by Brian Finch - 4th edition. Will you join me on my journey?

The source for the picture of the book is

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