On Presenting (Well)

  • No slides (ideally)
  • If you must have slides, obey the 10-20-30 rule
  • Start with an ice-breaker. Get engagement. Start with a story - leave the punchline til the end
  • Follow the old adage: Tell them about what you're going to tell them; tell them; then remind them what you just told them (!)
  • Don't pack too much in - explain one point well, rather than five points poorly
  • Move. Be animated. Not rigid and still behind the lectern. Walk around the stage
  • Don't read notes. Look at the audience. Engage
  • Take water
  • Don't be scared of silence a) the silent pause seems way longer to you, and b) silence is powerful to help emphasize a point
  • Know your audience (in advance). This way you can be clear on what level to pitch your presentation
  • Use your voice tonality. Loud, then quiet. Rinse and repeat. Let them lean-in to listen
  • It's fine to be nervous. Adrenaline will help you

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://businessn2k.com/on-presenting-well/
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