Personnel Management Is that field of management that's got to do with planning, organizing and controlling various operative functions procuring, developing, maintaining. and utilizing a labour force in such a way that

  • objectives of the company are attained economically and effectively
  • objectives of all levels personnel are served to the highest possible degree
  • objectives of the community are duly considered and served.
    -Prof Michael Jueins

Human Resource Management has become a very important aspect of every organization. Hence, an organization personnel is often regarded as it most valuable and dynamic asset which in order words account for the central whole of the personnel department in an organization. The human resources as a factor of production are the most important dynamic necessity and unless the personnel department of an organization carefully select, train, organize and motivate human resource of its organization little or no success would be achieved.
These groups of function are usually referred to as personnel or human resource utilization. The other groups of function are those directed towards working with the existing human resources in other to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. Activities are designed to enable the existing members of the organization to assume their role and function. These activities are concerned with human development. Personnel management is concerned with obtaining the best possible staff for an organization and having got them, look after them so that they will want to stay and give in their best to their job in effect personnel management is the act of getting the best worker for the organization and the commitment of the management to the welfare of the employees.

Today, the study of personnel management entails a critical look at how this human resources can be effectively mobilized towards maximum productivity. Personnel management is, therefore, a set of programme functions and activities designed to maximize both personnel and organizational goal. National Assembly which is a legislative arm of government is saddled with the responsibilities of making laws for the Nation. Though, she also performs some oversight function as stipulated in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999. The central role played by the personnel department or human resources of the lawmaking institution to the overall achievement of the organizational objection that is lawmaking and oversight function cannot be qualified.

The importance of human resource management in making an organization effective cannot be over-emphasized. An organization that can effectively manage her human resources to acquire or achieve the aims and objective in which such an organization is established because of the vital role or position occupied by the labour force of an organization to the overall achievement of organizational aim and objective.

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I remain your humble Sammielaboi

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