How much are you buying into your thoughts?

This monkey mind of ours is amazing! Chattering 24/7, coming up with an endless stream of crazy ideas and does and don’ts. Making us believe whatever it produces. Wow. Quite a job to constantly listen and react to this.

What is your strategy to handle the monkey mind?

I tried a couple of things, as meditation for example. Some philosophical concepts teach us to get rid of the mind. To cut the long story short: This doesn’t work for me. My point of view is, that my mind can be pretty helpful. Doing my accountant stuff would turn out poorly without my mind. Or getting all my projects, jobs and stuff organized – thanks to my mind this works quite well.

Maybe it’s more about controlling it?

There are numerous strategies as positive thinking, mind control or reprogramming techniques. Some of them may work, maybe for a short amount of time, maybe for a longer period. But how much effort does it cost you to constantly be aware of your thoughts? To reflect and reprogramm them? We all have other things to do ...

In the end, there are still all our thoughts we buy into. To say it with Michael Neill’s words: „It’s like Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory – a world of pure imagination.“ Your thoughts are just energy you are picking up from the people around you, like a highly sensitive radio
station, and making them your own.

What if you don’t make them
significant anymore?

Just look at them the way you look at the sky: There are light clouds, dark clouds, sunshine, rain, moonshine, sunshine again ... coming and going ... always in a movement, nothing is carved in stone. It’s like waves. Or as I like to call it: the rollercoaster of life.
Don’t make it significant, don’t create your future based on your current thoughts that are not yet true.

What you can do instead, is follow the energy. Let me give you an example: You’re about to start your own business. Before you even really started, your struggling:
Having your own business means a lot of work and many companies go bankrupt in the first two years.
And there won’t be a regular income in the beginning.
And maybe no one will buy your products or cares abou your service.
Do you perceive, how heavy this feels? What feels light is true for you, what feels heavy isn’t – I keep repeating this.
Rather than turning these thoughts over and over again, go into question: What would it create if I start this business now? Who do I have to talk to? What is my next step? And then follow the energy and what feels light for you.

Yes, it’s business done different. But how much fun and ease – and money – could it create for you if you give it a shot?

With ease and joy

Talk to me

Bildquelle: Fotolia / zooco

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