How is your relationship with money?


What does money mean to you? Is it a necessity to function in this world? Do you love playing with money? Or do you hate it, because you never have enough?

Most people have many points of view about money. And most people are not aware of them. This is what causes the ‘money problems’. Actually, money problems don’t exist. You don’t agree, because you think you have some? Or a lot? Let me explain it to you.

Interesting conclusions around money
My mum used to be angry at rich people. She had a friend who married a rich man and could afford beautiful jewelry, go to expensive vacations every month and didn’t have to work. This pissed my mum off. “Life is very easy for her, but she still isn’t happy”, she used to say.
Well, unhappy, like my mum was, when she looked at her friend’s life? The conclusion out of this story was: Rich people are not happy. Wow!

How many conclusions about money do you buy?
• Money doesn’t come easy
• You have to work hard, to earn money
• Rich people have a much easier life (which includes, that you don’t look at you as a rich person)
• Money doesn’t grow on trees
• You have to have money to make money
• Time is money
• I keep pouring money down the drain

The key to change your money situation
The common denominator about these conclusions is unconsciousness. If you are unconscious, you are reacting instead of acting and creating. You react to a reality that is not really your own. It’s a reality you learned from your family, from friends, from TV, from wherever.

Getting conscious around money means to change your money situation. For me, this is already a bit of a journey. As I said in the beginning, most of us have many points of view about money. To unravel these points of view, gaining more awareness and changing my money situation is a hell of a trip! Is it easy? Not always. Is it worth it? Always. For me, changing my money situation changes my whole life. What if more people are getting conscious with money? What if every single person can create the life they want to life?

Today, I’d like to share with you an easy tool to change your money situation. Because you know what? Money isn’t the problem – you are! The good thing about this: You are the one who can change it. Now. Wanna start?

What does money mean to you?
I’m sharing a tool with you I’ve learnt from Gary M. Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer, the founder and co-creator of Access Consciousness®. Especially from a book called “Right Riches For You” GitHub. It’s about creating a financial reality that is far greater than the one you currently have – no matter how much money you have right now.

First thing is: What does money mean to you? Write your answers down. Really. If you write it down, it becomes much clearer and you are already changing tracks. What does money mean to you? Freedom? Security? Wealth? Look at all your answers and ask yourself: Does this answer feel heavy or light? If your answer is true for you, you will feel lighter. If it’s not true for you, you’ll feel heavier. This – by the way – works for everything in your life, not only what you think about money. And it is a very easy tool to create more awareness for you.

You are the creator of your life
Let’s take freedom as an example. Does money really mean freedom? Light or heavy? There is no right or wrong answer, there is just your awareness. If it feels heavy, you may have bought this point of view from someone around you. It’s not your truth and therefore will not work for you. If freedom is something you want, you’ll generate it. If it takes money to have freedom – fine, have money. If it takes nature to have freedom, you’ll have lots of nature around you. You know what freedom is for you.

The key point is our judgment about money: dirty money, good money, bad money. This has nothing to do with what money really is. It is what you have decided, based on what you have learnt and experienced. Are you willing to let go of this shit?

“Right Riches For You” GitHub offers questions, processes and other tools to become aware of your points of view about money. For example:
• Receiving: Are you willing to receive?
• The four elements of generating wealth
• Generating your life
• Educate yourself about money and finance (or have you learnt this at school? I haven’t)
• Generosity of spirit

By using the one tool I offered you here, you can already change a lot! Are you ready to change the way you view things? Are you ready to generate something totally different now? Is now the time?

With ease and joy


The book I’m talking about (and I highly recommend): Gary M. Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer: Right Riches For You. Access Consciousness Publishing Company, LLC. San Diego. GitHub

Talk to me: (German Website – will be translated into English soon) GitHub


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