Decentralized Individualism And Open Source Communism - Is Tech Losing Sight Of Capitalism?

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If you know me, I am a capitalist. I believe in being able to get up in the morning, spot a mountain and ascend it. Thus waking up feeling and living successfully because I have reached new peaks and thereby taking humanity up a little more in progress. The World is benefited by this progress. The desire to achieve and receive rewards equal to the aim and action should bring success.

Today, I see a lot of talk in the crypto world about decentralization. Now, decentralization in the crypto world is from necessity. We see how unfortunately that some make success for themselves while putting everyone behind - failed exchanges tell us this.

But this look at decentralization I see as shifting back. It is shifting on what I call individualization as though the companies and organizations will some how be relieved of their duties and people will be a singular unit.

If all the people at Coca Cola decided to go by themselves to make Coca Cola and dish it out, would we see any of the amount of cans produced daily to quench the thirst of humanity?

Once when the LBTC project came out, the World Bank had a meeting about disruptive technologies. I think this generally happens when something can change the fabric of things. The response was we don't want anyone operating a business from the garage, as though a garage would some how diminish a persons work ethic at getting up and going. But I guess for many people it is. Unless they have a suit and tie and a mammoth sized building with other people doing the same, they can't progress. Let's face it, the entrepreneurs road is a tough one. At Try A Million we was one of the first cloud based companies with our office literally being the World with staff dotted all over the World.

Freelancing is the epitome of individualization and we see that not everyone is cut out for it, and I am sure there are a lot of freelancers who are stuck on much less than they can be working for someone else. I know this at times with my own personal experience. The essence of freelancing and individualism is simply getting that freedom and bit extra, but in my observations, the one man band, even with many one man bands, does not make a spectacular symphony.

I see Walmart, over a million employees. A great organization that creates something greater than its parts.

Today, we have open source and the reality of it is Bill Gates capitalistic philosophy of success and Linux with its open source paradigm. They are both different systems.

Today, I see that open source can end up with communistic thinking, not capitalistic thinking that people have to be altruists. I remember reading that crowdfunding creates a benefit to some with many losing out for doing a good deed.

I am bringing my observation of the current trend.

As a capitalist, I am in the belief that if you want to succeed, you should have that chance to go out there and achieve that. I also know some people will tend to a negative way of achieving that aim.

But, let us stick with the Walmarts and Bill Gates. Not only can the organizations in the world benefit many, but for the owners can bring benefits. Now, there is no doubt in my mind that Bill Gates has become the richest person in the World several times because he has enriched many lives.

I am sitting here writing this to you today because of that. I also appreciate some people will say "software should be free man!", and that point is valid as well.

I understand people will sit in StarBucks - a sign of capitalism as the negators will say. They will prop up their signs and say capitalism is bad and the view is valid, but where has progress sprung from?

When Apple moved to a capitalistic trend from the decentralized difference it found so much success that one of its phones is priced same as a full weeks worth of wages for someone in the west! The capitalistic trend enriched many lives and made Apple to be one of the top companies in the world.

Capitalism throughout the ages, though having both good points and bad points has enabled a progress when done positively. It has enabled cars on the street, a switch from riding around on horses, and it has enabled a computer on your desk and phones in your pocket.

Decentralized individualism and an open source communism may have a just view as well, but this is for the driven individual who has much to bring to the world, something like Ray Kroc vs the McDonald's brothers. Where one wanted a smaller individualism and one wanted to reshape the world. Now, you can say Ray Kroc brought to everyone a food that is not good for them or you can say he brought the best thing in the modern world which benefits many people, and provides a delicious uniform experience.

Capitalism fuels human progress when done in a positive light. It can benefit many people while also like Bill Gates, allow him to live in luxury. As a note, MicroSoft's success enabled even secretaries becoming millionaires and many people sit on the rich lists because of Bill Gates commitment to capitalism and it has paid off. I don't think the secretary in decentralized individualism would be able to say the same. Not that it happens every time, but it is always that mountain the capitalist gathers people and seeks to climb. Suddenly we are above in the cloud, and that is exactly where humanity is right now - technologically we are in the cloud after all that effort over hundreds of years, industrial revolution to today where it is fully possible you could have many opportunities to look past that cloud, think of something great and benefit the whole of humanity.

Create a great day,

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