Progress Report: Give Yourself a Break It's OK to Slack Off to Save Your Sanity and Health

There's a Time to Rest and a Time to Work

Relax When You Need To

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Burn out is real. Knowing when to stop is just as important as knowing when to keep on truckin'. Pulling all-nighters 3 days in a row is more than possible but completely unsustainable and your body will feel it later. That kind of work load is completely unhealthy and should be avoided at all costs.

There's a huge lie in the entrepreneur world that says unless you work 300 hours per week you will fail at your business. Wrong and dead wrong.

This work yourself to death right into an early grave mind set comes from a place of fear.

Search Your Feelings

This fear is based on a scarcity mindset and a false if/then logic. The logic states there is only one optimal way to gain or succeed and if you don't do it that particular way then you will fail. The logic fails at two crucial points:

  1. There are multiple ways to succeed.
  2. One person's optimal differs drastically from another person's optimal.

Cookie Cutter Success is Fake

Work the Healthy and Sustainable Way

There is no step by step do this every time to win at life or business. Each step into the unknown requires tremendous amounts of personal courage and growth. It takes introspection of the highest order, analyzing your strengths and weaknesses, adpating and evolving to the changing climate in your chosen endeavors, then executing based on what you personally know.

Then seeing where you succeeded or failed and then continually iterating on your personal process until you succeed more than you fail.

The Secret is to Create Your Own Secret

What If I Told You....

No multimillionaire or billionaire will let you into their world without a hefty price attached. The cost associated is anywhere from $2000 to $100,000+ to give you a glimpse into their business process. Even then they still won't tell you everything. They will not go into the nitty gritty minutiae of exactly what they do, how they do, or why they do namely for fear of competition from you.

They will not hand you a step by step guide of their entire business operation just like they won't hand you the keys to their Rolls-Royce.

What to do then? Come up with your own ideas, best practices, and business model. Look for gaps in the market. Look where you know, or believe, or even feel like you could do better.

You don't need to be better than everyone. Just better than the worst person that's still managing to make a profit. Just be better than that guy.

Just do one thing better than him.

Follow to go on a journey with me as I bootstrap an online business from nothing to something. On the way you'll learn about mindset, investments, and cryptocurrencies. And make sure to vote up thanks!

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