
I have been working remotely for over 5 years and there are things that I have learned. I shared a thread on facebook detailing this. However, I felt it best to put it in a Steemit post.

1. Have your paperwork ready

Have a contract ready. That way, you do not have to draw up a contract from scratch for every job you take. Saves time.

2. Have your rates Ready

Create a rate card. Have your rates ready. Yes you may have to adjust per job but know what you are worth. Eg. As a writer, I know how much I want to be paid per 1000 words for ebooks, copywriting etc.

3. Put yourself out there

Apply for gigs even when you have others. As online workers, we work on high and low seasons so having many jobs ensures that you are always busy. When you plan your time well, you can do so much.

4. Don't fear rejection

Rejection is nothing to base your worth on. You get rejected, they pick someone else, they don't respond. I have applied for hundreds of online jobs. If I focused on the jobs I did not get, I would die! Focus on those that work out!

5. File Sharing options are your friend.

Explore. Google Drive, Dropbox etc
Also explore Slack, Trello, Asana, Discord for communication & project management.
Also Evernote is a great tool to use on the go for noting down points or inspiration. I sometimes use it to take my wine notes for my wine editorials.

6. Discover websites

There are many websites tailored for freelancers. look for opportunities and look at sites like where you can get hired for your skills.

7. Manage your time

Plan your time! As an online freelancer, you will have small projects. Eg. you may be writing an article, editing a video, editing a piece. Learn how to plan your time down to every hour. A simple old school to-do list works. I use bullet journals.


8. Deadlines

Give yourself earlier deadlines. If something is due on 20th Jan, submit it by 19th Jan. I always work well on short deadlines but I have realized working on stuff early helps so much.

9. Decision VS Feeling.

Don't base your actions on your feelings. If you have a job to send by 4pm, even if you don't feel like it, do it. Learn to base your actions on your decisions not your feelings.

10.Remember to Stretch

I was getting backaches because I was sitting for so long. Make sure you walk, exercise, stretch because working from home can be bad for your health if you are sitting for long hours. Also, check your posture.

11. Bonus points

  • Take breaks.
  • Take Time Off
  • Switch it up/ try a new cafe/ space
  • Stop Multitasking


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