We are the Next Generation Entrepreneurs and we are Now

In the description here on my Steemit profile the first word I use is entrepreneur and this is no coincidence. I would go as far as to choose it at an identity level.


Entrepreneur is an individual who organizes and manages and enterprise or venture and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome. Keywords here accountability, risk and outcome. Obviously, without risk you don't have business and without risk you don't have success. And you are fully responsible for the results whether good or bad, success or failure there's only one person to "blame" and you look at it every day in the mirror. This is my take on entrepreneurship and I put my money where my mouth is. I have risked, failed, achieved few things , it's been a wild ride. Loved every moment of it ( ok , not all , most of them ) and I continue on this journey that I started years ago.

In for the money?

For many years entrepreneurship was associated only with the financial gain one could have and almost everybody was in business just for the money. To be honest, I started my business because I wanted more money than I would make if I had a job and I did it well for the circumstances I encountered. But, things evolve, concepts evolve and people evolve. I was seeing it around me I was feeling inside me but couldn't quite put it into words.

Until recently when it was discussed in a seminar that I participated and said this is it , this is exactly how I feel and think about it. It's the notion of entrepreneurship from whole new perspective , a perspective that totally resonated with me and I sure that it will resonate with a lot of you that read this.

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Entrepreneurship 2.0 , the Next Generation

We are talking about a new generation of entrepreneurs that emerged and are interested in more than just financial gain, they are committed to living their dreams and making a better world through their businesses. Financial growth and monetary reward are important but they are means to a greater purpose.

Next generation entrepreneurs made a conscious decision to become more passionate, purposeful and creative that leads to more motivation, innovation and focus. They … We want to create both a successful and meaningful business that will combine ambition with contribution, business growth with personal growth. We even believe that you can't achieve new level in your business unless you achieve a new level in you.

We want to attract and collaborate with others who share the same vision , mission and ambition. It's all about creating a world to which people want to belong. This entrepreneurial mindset doesn't only change business but it also changes society and this is what makes me so excited about it.

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Something Bigger than Ourselves

It's when people are working together to create and generate something new, that is bigger and greater than the capacities of any of the group members individually. In scientific terms it is called Generative Collaboration. It is people that are able to utilize their abilities to the fullest and discover and apply recourses that they didn't realize they had. It is people supporting one another to move forward in new ways and create something unprecedented. It is combination of people that produce results greater than anyone individually could ever have.

It is not getting a piece of the pie. It is making the pie so big that it is enough for all. Instead of seeing competitors, I see partners and allies. Instead of seeing differences, I see other perspectives that can enrich my map of the world. I see synergies , relationships and connections. And the bigger the network it becomes the more opportunities we have.

And this is making me so much more excited.

I want to be part of this. I want to contribute. I want to collaborate.

And I am sure that most of you are here for the same reasons.

Don't know what we'll make out of it, the only thing I know we can create a much better world.

So, let's do this and let's do this NOW !!!

Be Healthy, Smile and Steem.

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