Social Businesses; creates impact in villages or cities while making profit for the owners

Social business focus on addressing a need or making an impact in your community and making you wealthy as well at the same time.

A social business is non-dividend business activity designed to address a social objective. The objective may be to overcome poverty, or any of the social problems (such as health, technology access,education, and environment) which threaten people and society;

In a social business ventures, the income generated needs to cover all expenses and equally achieve the social objective, such as, healthcare for the poor, housing for the poor, financial services for the poor, nutrition for malnourished children, providing safe drinking water, introducing renewable energy, etc. in a business way.

In Africa, social business is the best business because – it is embedded in African mindset of communal living – “I Am because We Are” – which simple states that you cannot be better unless others get better – we are united, we fall together and we rise together.

Most people think that they have to become millionaires before they could be able to make an impact in their community, town or city; How ever this is not always the case.

People who have sound business plan for their community with a shared vision always get the necessary support and funding they need when they communicate their objectives to the stakeholder in their environment

In Social Business,the goods and services being sold generate income and equally solve social problems people have.

Here is a list of social Businesses

Medical Laboratory
Health Centre

Schools kinder-gating
vocational institute
Cultural Centre

Animal breeding ( poultry, fishes, birds, goats, cattle,etc)
Food processing
Sale of agricultural inputs
Agricultural machinery leasing

Water and Sanitation
Water management

Waste management

Renewable Energy
Solar energy production
Wind energy production
Biomass energy production

Tree seedlings nursery

Development of mobile apps
Computer Consulting

Documentary production

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