Mayor Orders All Bars And Restaurants To Close With New Executive Order

Jackson, Mississippi Mayor C. Lumumba has recently introduced an executive order this week that calls for all bars to close for indoor guests and dining.

The executive order includes all bars and restaurants.

That means taverns and lounges, nightclubs, these are all going to be included. They are only allowed to provide take-out or delivery services and cannot have people coming into their establishment to eat or drink.

The executive order also places a limit on social gatherings too, no more than 10 people indoor or 20 people outdoor. These rules are a clear violation of Constitutional rights that afford people the freedom to meet up peacefully with one another and engage in regular business activity or go to church etc.

Freedom shouldn't need to be dissolved in order to try and protect against a potential virus, or any threat for that matter.

Eroding freedom is too costly to bear. But we don't see much pushback from the public for most of these executive orders, we are used to them being tossed out now.

These executive orders, violence that the state enacts against people and exchanges they might make, only decreases the ability of individuals through the market to be able to respond to the potential issue at hand, whether it be COVID-19 or something else.


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