From A to Z – Business Blog 11 – Hemp and SETI

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Hemp and SETI

From A to Z would like to begin this post by acknowledging that Cyrus Emerson has stepped down as CEO of the company. He has a small investment, and will continue to share posts on his, his involvement with day to day activities within the company have ceased.

The vision of From A to Z began with wanting to make paper from Hemp.

As stated in a previous post, at this time Hemp gets grown mostly for CBD with high profit margins. The company knows there are concerns from farmers growing other crops about land use, and people working with the USDA on the new federal guidelines. There are also problems within the Hemp farmer community about profits and market share, etc.

However, From A to Z stresses that Hemp cannot be grown enough because at this time Hemp cannot meet the demands of modern civilization infrastructure construction.

For example, Hempcrete and Hemp wood are two sectors that could be ramped up to replace concrete and wood products entirely.

Hemp graphene could replace carbon fiber graphene for mass production of Hydrogen Fuel Cell engines. Efforts are already underway to pursue this venture to allow for mass production. One clear advantage of Hydrogen Fuel Cell engines over electric vehicles can be seen in the emission of H2O.

While electric cars generate no emissions that would help to stop the current acceleration of climate change; the emission of H2O from Hydrogen Fuel Cell engines would actually reverse climate change, and restore the Earth to pre-carbon dioxide emission levels with the help of the other steps mentioned above in this post.

Once again, all of these steps would keep Earth from becoming another Venus, and preserve life on Earth as we know into the foreseeable future.

Will this transition be easy? Of course not. This proves to be the greatest challenge in human history because of the existing infrastructure of the current oil economy, and the large profits still being experienced by the powers that be.

This leads us to our next topic the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

While it might be true that life can be found in abundance not only in our solar system, in our galaxy, and in the Universe as well, a new theory must be introduced into SETI from observations made here on Earth.

Earth happens to be four-billion-years-old, the Universe 16-billion-years-old, these scientific observations lead us to the conclusion that it takes 4-billion-years for intelligent life like our own to exist. Because this development has a limit with the age of the known Universe then we can cap intelligent life at a maximum of four generations.

So, intelligent life would have taken four-billion-years to develop after the Big Bang. We must also assume at this time that they would have comprised of different races on different continents. They would similarly have to deal with war and corporations yearning for profits. And as we’ve seen in our own example on Earth the need for profit might outweigh the need for a species to exist on the planet.

Only time will tell if we are able to overcome this desire to make profits, or possibly the idea of profits from exploration of the solar system will prove the savior of society.

Either way we will need to control the environment on planet Earth to become a Class 1 Civilization.

From A to Z already works with NASA and SpaceX to bring Hemp into space. As Elon Musk described in his new Star Ship presentation, the metal of the ship could be welded on Mars if the need for survival demanded the metal be used for some other purpose. So to does Hemp add utility for future exploration of the red planet because it can be used as a food source, as well as for building material, and many other things like CBD, ha, ha . . .

Once again we are presented with the difficulty from our own experience of becoming a Class 1 Civilization, that can control the environment on Earth, and developing into a Class 2 Civilization that can transport that knowledge to another planet like Mars, and colonize it.

Let’s also think again about a first generation society that developed four-billion-years after the Big Bang. They would have to figure this stuff out as well in their own solar system. Some places might have had it easier with another planet already equipped with a hospitable environment, and no competing alien society. This might be the only intelligent life we could hope to encounter if we survive long enough to discover them.

Yet as this post demonstrates, the thought process for survival of the human race exists, and there are many institutions on Earth pursuing these goals. Ultimately, we will find our conclusion in the life or death of our species.

Let’s progress this model further, either in the way described in this post, or by other means proposed by someone upset with the content mentioned in this post. Let’s just say their competing idea prevails and the first manned mission to colonize Mars begins.

From A to Z would like to think we could at least agree that to launch this mission we would wait for Mars to be at its closets distance to Earth. And if successful, future generations would go on to explore the rest of our solar system making amazing discoveries, and gaining access to massive amounts of natural resources while cementing the human race as a Class 2 Civilization. This would also increase the probability that other species have done so in other solar systems.

The next big obstacle to the survival of mankind would be the supernova of our sun, another obstacle that intelligent life in the first generation would have had to figure out.

With all the technological advances of conquering our solar system at our grasp space travel will have developed into something akin to driving an automobile without the pollution, ha, ha . . .

The most logical development toward finding another solar system to colonize would be to have a space base on the not yet discovered Planet 9. We could then use this planet to launch colonization missions when another solar system nears us.

Realistically though, this would probably mean traveling through space for extended periods of time before arriving at the nearest destination. With observation we could scout out solar systems around the nearest stars for the best places to live. Only our observations would still be hindered by the great distance of time as we would be seeing another solar system as it used to be years ago.

At this point, to improve the chances of survival, we would have to divide our forces to go after different solar systems. Or possible we decide the best chance for long term survival of our species resides in our ability to live in spaceships of our own design. Either way, one day we will be forced to leave our solar system.

If we make it to this point in our civilization’s development, and intelligent life has not yet been discovered, the probability of other intelligent life in the Universe has just increased again.

This becomes two fold, in that by leaving the safety of our solar system we must not only contend with natural features like black holes that could destroy our ships, we must prepare for the inevitable meeting of an alien society, and now on their home turf.

If we are more technologically advanced we will survive; if not we will be assimilated or destroyed.

Of course this could be thousands, or maybe millions of years in the future, after we’ve developed our solar system into a place of our liking. Giving light time to travel to us will reveal other intelligent life in the Universe working to this same end. In that event we might be able to communicate, and help with mutual developments in space travel.

Or we might find that first generation society that’s been developing since four-billion-years after the Big Bang, and with 12-billion-years of survival, rules the Milky Way galaxy from a collection of highly advanced solar systems near the galactic core. These life forms of the Class 3 Civilization category.

If that day arrives in our evolution then we will have proved conscious living beings have purpose. We will join life from all corners of the Milky Way to share the experience of traveling through time and space. This will guarantee that the search for meaning will continue to push an enlightened society forward.

In conclusion, From A to Z would like to offer the hope of Hemp to bring us all around to this greater end.

Thank you,
From A to Z
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